What is Fascism?


Definitions — Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, 

While fascism is defined as a product of the far-right it is just as evident in the far-left.

For me, fascism is associated with arrogance, racism and extreme authoritarian control. It divides and labels people. It promotes one group of people above others (even within nations) and sets up mechanisms for suppression and oppression.

Fascism is hierarchical. It sets up a powerful elite and establishes a means of crushing opposition, controlling the people and pumping out propaganda. It runs on fear and deploys secret police, torture and death.

There is no real difference between the way far-right Nazi parties, such as Hitler, Mussolini and Franco operated to that of far-left organisations such as with Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. They all worked on creating division, exterminating enemies, using fear, deploying propaganda, suppressing all opposition and suppressing the population.

We still operate tribally. We like to elect ‘strong’ leaders who put forward policies in black and white. These leaders often appear strong because they are psychopaths or sociopaths.

Much as school bullies attract sycophantic groups of henchmen and henchwomen who they use to help exert their power, fascist politicians attract both henchmen and followers who put their policies into action.

One has to wonder at the mentality of these people. One can see the attraction for those high up but there are similar benefits for those further down the organisation. They are part of the organisation. They have power over others. They are safe, rewarded and have power. Hence the secret police, the torturers, the executioners, the propagandists, the spokespeople, troops and their families feel superior and secure.

Fascism seems to be the default state for human politics. We see democracies such as the present-day USA and UK drifting towards it with Trump and Johnson. It is evident in Russia, with Putin, In China, North Korea and Brazil.

Fascism exists in many forms and can be an insidious force infiltrating the most benign governments. The Johnson government is showing fascistic tendencies – arrogance and superiority, control of the media, suppression of opposition, creation of division, ignoring of the law, move towards a one-party state.

We have to be forever vigilant.

Medieval Morality

Medieval Morality

Fear of death

                Wonder and awe

Left us wondering

                What it was for.

We sought

                An answer

Around which

                We could concur.

We invented

                Gods and faith

Rules and religion

                To make us feel safe.

Now we’re prisoners

                Inside our concoction

Raging and dividing

                In full execution.

Victims of medieval


Preventing us exploring

                What might be.

Opher – 25.6.2022

Back in the dark depths of history we invented religions. Driven by a desire to understand we sought explanations.

Over time they became rigid dogma that chained us and prevented us accepting the new.

There had to be no change or evolution.

The dogma is a prison of our own making.

Periodically the zealots and fanatics want to drag us back to the Dark Ages.

Take away women’s rights, put them in robes, hidden behind veils. Lock them away.

Misogynistic religions blame women for the faults of men. They must be made to suffer.

Following Orders

Following Orders

Just following orders

In their crisp uniforms.

For a career and a paycheque

They’d sell their vey souls.

Without mindless goons

Doing what they’re told,

Obeying all commands,

Carrying out their roles.

No tyrant can hold power,

No despot gain control,

No fascist power

Can ever reach its goal.

Just following orders.

Opher 29.1.2021

Everywhere I look around the world I see evil people and draconian laws being propped up by a bunch of faceless riot soldiers in helmets and body armour, clutching guns and batons, firing tear gas and water cannon, firing bullets, beating people senseless.

Everywhere I look they are dragging off bloodied protestors into trucks, into jails, into torture chambers and graves.

They put on their uniforms and lose their minds.

Fela Kuti called them zombies.

They are worse than that – I think they enjoy the power, the freedom to be brutal.

Every dictator is dependent on their armies of goons – just following orders.

Poetry – The Polling Booth

The Polling Booth

Teargas, snatch squads and goons

From Portland to Belarus.

Tyrants, dirty tricks and lies

Oppose and they’ll cook your goose.

Campaigns, elections, rigged results

People take to the streets

Arrogant strutting fascists

Now peaceful protests ain’t so sweet.

Provocateurs, infiltrators, extremists,

Disrupt and undermine

Inflaming, orchestrating and blaming

Opening up the fault line.

Dividing, confusing, reinforcing

Until nobody knows the truth

All sides believing what they’re told

To sanctify the polling booth.

Opher – 31.8.2020

What starts as peaceful protest is soon taken over by extremists with agendas or those filled with hate and a lust for revenge.

The politicians deploy their goons to use force to clear the streets.

Violence, looting and aggression just play into the hands of those in charge that use it as an excuse, as justification for force.

The underhand tactics used by extremists to stir up trouble. Agents are deployed to incite, to cause damage, to undermine.

Peaceful demonstration turns into rioting.

People and events are manipulated, orchestrated, for political gain by cynical politicians.

It’s all about the polling booth.

The Evil of fanaticism as shown by the Taliban’s misogyny.

I fear for all the girls and women being hurled back into the misogynistic Dark Ages. Education, work, equality – forget it! Slavery, coercion and subjugation.

Chris Riddell sums it up!

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Argentina – Eva Peron, The Pink Palace and the square of Plaza De Mayo.

Visiting Argentina we paid our respects outside the Pink Palace where Eva Peron spoke to the massed crowds. We went to the Plaza De Mayo and witnessed the ongoing protests for the martyrs – the dead from the Falklands war. It was all very moving.

Sex!!! Part 5 – Religion and babies!!

We have big brains.

In order to develop big brains we have to have a lot of nurturing. This brain development begins inside the uterus. We have to nurture babies in the uterus for 9 months while their brains grow.

By the time they are ready to be born they have big brains and big heads. This makes birth a problem. If women had been designed they would have big openings to deliver babies through. Unfortunately they have evolved and not been created. They have to try to squeeze the baby out of the vagina. The baby’s head is so big it can hardly fit through. Birth is consequently dangerous for mother and child. There are lots of deaths, injuries, pain and brain damage.

If a god had designed this then he is incompetent or vindictive. It is not however designed by any god; it has evolved through mutation and is hence not as good as it could be.

Having babies and menstruating are two ways in which misogynous societies (coming from the patriarchal Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions) put down women. They make out that menstruation is dirty, sex is dirty, childbirth pain is just reward for having had sex and that women are to blame!

Religion does not like sex. It tries to blame women and thus justifies making them second-class citizens.

There’s nothing wrong with sex. It’s a good biological mechanism for reproducing. There’s nothing dirty or unclean about it.

Religion just likes to control and suppress people.

The problem with sex is that it produces too many children. We are overpopulated and destroying the world. We need to limit our numbers and use contraception. We need to use our intelligence before we destroy the world.

Read all about the folly of religion in my novel The Book of Ginny.


or perhaps he more humorous

Or read about how overpopulation is destroying the environment