No Scrutiny; No Accountability!!

Biased media complicit in hiding the reality.

Tens of billions given to Tory chums for lucrative contracts that never delivered.

Tens of billions given to Tory donors through VIP lanes.

Tens of billions given to Tory chums for useless Covid apps, covid schemes, inflated salaries.

Useless expensive Eat out to spread disease schemes

Tens of billions wasted in unaccounted loans!

Hundreds of billions wasted on Brexit with promises of sunlit uplands, unrestricted travel, unrestricted goods, £250 million a week to the NHS, border security, controlled immigration, lower prices, lucrative trade deals, no dilution of workers’ rights, no reduced environmental regulations, farming and fishing benefits, no Irish borders – ALL LIES!!

Unprecedented sleaze and corruption.

Cuts to public services – robbing the NHS, schools, youth services, police and local government to give to the wealthy.

No plugging of tax evasion schemes – money taken abroad by the likes of Lady Mone.

Cash for questions. Cash for peerages.

Illegal lobbying.

Privatisation pouring our money into the pockets of wealthy foreign investors and Tory donors.

Government oversight a perfunctory shambles with no teeth – Ofwat, Ofcom, Ofgem – fuck off! Rivers full of sewage, energy prices through the roof, education becoming a sausage factory with Heads committing suicide.

Cost of living crisis for the poor while the wealthy double their wealth.

Partygate and tractor porn!

Colossally expensive and heartless Rwanda scheme.

GB news pouring out a stream of propaganda and lies – in the fashion of Trump’s Orwellian ‘Truth Social’.

BBC shackled and controlled. Express, Sun and Mail, Telegraph and Times, pouring out unrelenting stream of -propaganda and lies.

Where is the media uproar?? Where is the SCRUTINY??? Where is the accountability???

Instead, they try to blow up a minor grey area of capital gains tax with Angela Raynor into something it isn’t!!

Meanwhile, the architects of all this corruption, ineptitude, greed and sleaze, Johnson, Cameron, May, Rees-Mogg, Osbourne, Truss and the rest of the Tory cabinet, walk away with millions!!

It’s obscene!!

Spin, Lies and Propaganda – Then There’s the TRUTH!!

The Tory Propaganda Machine thunders into action. What a fantastic budget! Record tax cuts. We’ve turned the corner! Everything is going to be rosy now!

The reality is somewhat different.

They’ve plundered the already mangled public services to give a tax bribe for the election. Reducing the National Insurance by 2p doesn’t make up for freezing the taxation levels.

Taxation is still going to be the highest in history!!

They’ve retained the triple lock for pensioners but that won’t cover the increase in fuel bills and there’s no more help through the winter like last year. The increase won’t even come in until April – so do the decent thing and freeze, starve and die!! Just like they wanted you to do in covid!!

This is a budget for growth! BOLLOCKS!!

The future economic outlook is dire!! Growth is stagnant.

We’re looking at years more austerity and a worsening cost of living crisis!! But the worst won’t kick in until after the election! What a mess they’ve made of the country. Nothing is working. Everything is broken. It’s only the rich Tories who are waltzing off with millions!!

You wouldn’t think that from the headlines, would you?

The Corona Diaries Pt. 2 (Day 211 – Day 410 – October 12th 2020 – May 7th 2021) Now Available!!

Available as Paperback and eBook.

My scurrilous daily rants about the inept government response to Covid, their lies, propaganda, sleaze and corruption along with my feelings, walks and music throughout lockdown.

A unique time. A powerful insight.

This was my life during Covid!!

The Corona Diaries Pt. 2 (Day 211 – Day 410 – October 12th 2020 – May 7th 2021) eBook : Goodwin, Opher: Books

Poetry – Denial of Truth is a Cancer

Denial of Truth is a cancerDenial of truth is a cancerDestroying democracy.A vile scourge from the mouth of a liarDividing a land once free.You choose what to believeFrom the ones who deceive.It’s all a political choice;The truth a mere victimOf those with the loudest voice.The use of fake newsNow flavours your views.You don’t believe your own eyesYou’d rather believe lies.So get on your knees and rejoice!The denial of truth is a cancerThe belief of a self-serving chancer,A twisting of history,Fascism no mystery,Now a thing of the left.We now live in a world built of lies,Hating those we despise;The truth a victim of theft.The world – one great conspiracyAll a question of belief;A gigantic hoax.Hitler was a socialistThe earth is really flatTruth nothing more than what it evokes.We’d rather believeWhat our neighbours believeThan trouble ourselves with the truth.So covid’s a lieThere’s no climate changeIt’s a commie trickDonald has all the proof!The Whitehouse is run by lizards.We’ve got to drain the swamp.Though he’s scuttled with one point six billionTo keep him in his pomp,We know he’ll make America great,We wear the hat with pride!When it comes to the final reckoningHe knows we’re on his side!We don’t believe our own eyes.We don’t agree with what we see.We would rather believe the lies.So America descends into a nightmare.Osama Bin Laden won!He tore apart the fabric;The destruction has only begun!The Taliban are laughingAs they drive the Americans out.Their truth lies in a medieval bookOf that there is no doubt!The truth is now a cancer!Eating humanity.All from the mouth of a chancerDestroying democracy.Opher – 14.8.2021

I wrote this after listening to a Jonathan Pie tirade. Trump has created a monster that is destroying the fabric of society, undermining truth, demeaning science and experts and throwing America back into an age of darkness and superstition.They’d rather believe in a fake story than see what is happening before their eyes. So the election was stolen, the storming of the Capitol a commie plot, 9/11 was set up by the CIA and Democrats eat babies.Trump has opened Pandora’s box in order to plunder for his own ends. Now the stupid are spouting his lies. The evil has been let loose.

The Truth – a poem

The Truth

The truth is usually grey.

It doesn’t stand up to the light of day.

What appears to be absolute

Rapidly falls into fierce dispute,

As the truth falls prey

To political decay.

Opher 19.8.2018

I wrote this for all those people who take their news from all those fake sites out there on the web, busy pushing their propaganda:  for those who take the mainstream news as gospel; for those who really believe that they have the only handle on what is really going on.

This is tribal.

This is all lies.

Fools are Fooled

Fools are Fooled – a poem

Posted on 

Fools are Fooled

The gullible are roused

By the glib gamesman

With the gift of the gab

To suit a gnat’s attention span.

‘The threats from outside

Not from within.’

He tells them sincerely

While raking it in.

He watches them all

Through podgy piggy eyes.

Rubbing his hands

With disdainful disguise.

All too easy to play this game –

Fooling the punters –

Feeding them lines

Feeding the grunters.

Down through the centuries

The stupid are played

With statistics and fears

Cunningly displayed.

The men with the power

Pull all the strings.

While the ignorant sheeple

Keep taking it in.

They sneer as they speak

Knowing they will win.

People too stupid

To know where to begin.

They crow and they strut

Secure in their power

While the losers all pray

To their ivory towers.

Opher 17.6.2018

Well Trump was my model for this poem. His arrogance and disdain are so openly expressed. That is unusual. Most of the bastards keep it hidden. I think his sheer disbelief that he is getting away with it has created an open contempt. He thinks he can get away with anything.

We can be sure that there is at least one person in America who is getting incredibly rich with each passing second. He gloats about it.

One day we will wake up and stop putting people like this in charge.


Propaganda is all we get;

                An endless stream of bias.

With calculation and intent

                Out of the mouths of liars.

Targeted spin and lies

                Aimed at the gullible.

Callous disregard

                For all the vulnerable.

The arrogant entitled

                Take us for fools.

Reciting the lessons

                They learnt in their schools.

Manipulate us like cattle

                In their lust for wealth and power

Voting them out

                Would be our finest hour.

Opher – 23.6.2022

The truth has always been the first victim in this endless war. Nothing has changed down the ages. It’s all a front.

The wealthy establishment still rule. Where once they used force to subjugate the masses and treated them with utter disdain, now they use propaganda.

The same people who ordered the troops to kill at Peterloo now use the media to keep the masses in their place, working for the prosperity of the minority.

Where it used to be mansions, carriages and a host of servants it is now superyachts, penthouses and supercars.

They give us as little as they can get away with and blind us with stark warnings, smoke and mirrors.

They appear reasonable, plausible and understanding but they are really cynical exploiters and profiteers.

Every now a revelation leaks out about their scummy workings – Greenswill or lobbying, Russian connections and cash for peerages, but it’s all soon glossed over.

They get away with deception, spin and murder.

Democracy – is it achievable?

Democracy – is it achievable?

Posted on  by Opher

For there to be a true democracy a number of factors have to be achieved:

a. We have to have a good choice of candidates.

b. We have to be informed.

c. There should be no bias.

d. Everybody has to have a vote.

e. Every vote should count.

f. Those elected need to be accountable.

What we have is a sham democracy. We have a two-party system of supposedly representational democracy. We have a binary vote. With our one vote we are presumed to support the entire agenda of the political parties manifesto. The whole system is corrupt. It is run by money and power. We are being manipulated, brainwashed and lied to.

a. We never have a good choice of candidates. It’s a two-horse race. The political parties have vested interests. Good candidates do not get selected. We have a limited choice between the lesser of two evils. Without huge financial backing no other candidate stands a chance. The media provides the exposure required. The media has to be bought. The media backs who they are told to back. Propaganda rules.

b. With a biased media run by the establishment no election is fair. Antiestablishment candidates or parties are tarnished, lied about and misrepresented. They have no chance. He who controls the media controls the people. We are never properly informed on issues, candidates or parties. Our electorate is politically uneducated.

c. The media is biased. The internet is worst of all. We are fed lies. We are misinformed. Those squealing fake news are the biggest liars.

d. Everyone has a vote. That is a weakness. The stupid, ignorant and most gullible have the same vote as the intelligent, informed and discerning. The stupid, ignorant and most gullible are a majority. This makes it possible for cynical politicians to lie, cheat, promise and blatantly fool the electorate.

e. My vote has never counted. I have always lived in an area that is strongly for one party or another. The only votes that really count are those in swing seats – a small minority. Until we move to proportional representation most votes count for nothing.

f. They are never accountable. They lie, spin and refuse to answer questions. They look for scapegoats and refuse to take the blame for their sleaze, corruption or mistakes. The Tories refuse to appear on any programme that would ask awkward questions or hold them to account.

This is a sham democracy. It fails on all counts.

It needs changing.

It could be made to work – but it is not in the interests of our ‘masters’ to have a functional democracy. They are happy with it as it is!!