Women, Life, Freedom. (For Mahsa Amini & the women of Iran)

Women, Life, Freedom. (For Mahsa Amini & the women of Iran)

Women    Life    Freedom!!

                We cut our hair

                                Throw off our chains.

They beat us.

                They kill us

                                But the will remains!

Incredible bravery

                In the face of death!!

We oppose injustice

                With every breath!!

A regime of terror

                In the name of God.

Enforced with violence –

Gun, gas and rod.

We stand together

                For a better life!

The cry for Regime change

                Is becoming rife!

Women    Life    Freedom!!

                Equality for all!!

                                Fighting for our lives

                                                With our backs against the wall!!

Opher 5.10.2022              

The brave women of Iran are standing up against the authoritarian, misogynistic, regime based on terror and repression.

The zealots of extremism are not content to have their own views of religion; they have to impose it on others!!

This misogynistic philosophy comes screaming out of the bowels of the Dark Ages, from tribal nomadic Arabs intent on suppressing women.

These tyrants wish to shackle half the world’s population in sackcloth and masks.

It’s time everybody rose up and demands equality!!

Down with tyrants!!

Down with evil purveyors of terror and oppression!!

The nutters of God need putting back in their box!!

Solidarity with the fearless women of Iran!!

Mahsa Amini lives!!

Poetry – The Polling Booth

The Polling Booth

Teargas, snatch squads and goons

From Portland to Belarus.

Tyrants, dirty tricks and lies

Oppose and they’ll cook your goose.

Campaigns, elections, rigged results

People take to the streets

Arrogant strutting fascists

Now peaceful protests ain’t so sweet.

Provocateurs, infiltrators, extremists,

Disrupt and undermine

Inflaming, orchestrating and blaming

Opening up the fault line.

Dividing, confusing, reinforcing

Until nobody knows the truth

All sides believing what they’re told

To sanctify the polling booth.

Opher – 31.8.2020

What starts as peaceful protest is soon taken over by extremists with agendas or those filled with hate and a lust for revenge.

The politicians deploy their goons to use force to clear the streets.

Violence, looting and aggression just play into the hands of those in charge that use it as an excuse, as justification for force.

The underhand tactics used by extremists to stir up trouble. Agents are deployed to incite, to cause damage, to undermine.

Peaceful demonstration turns into rioting.

People and events are manipulated, orchestrated, for political gain by cynical politicians.

It’s all about the polling booth.

Poetry – Stupidity, Insanity and Terror

Stupidity, Insanity and Terror

Intelligent people

                Believing in invisible beings

Do terrible things

                For dubious reasons.

Ordinary people

                Joining tyrannical regimes

Are fully trained

                To follow orders.

Military people

                Following instructions

Dispense violence

                In sterile basements.

Wealthy elites,

                Powerful dictators

Employ mindless monkeys

                To control the masses.

Mindless monkeys

Are trained

To overcome morality

                Humanity and compassion.

The cycle of terror


As it benefits a few

                And controls others.

Opher – 25.2.2022

I was thinking of the religious terrorism, political extremes and war. I was thinking about the powers that lurk behind it all.

All over the world the masses of people are controlled, fed lies and propaganda, exploited and used, abused, threatened and beaten.

The system is self-perpetuating. A powerful, wealthy elite ensure that the right people are elected, the right propaganda is issued and back it up with violence.

Protest is crushed.

Faceless minions are dispensed to create ‘law and order’ and maintain the status quo.

The masses are persuaded to vote for their own jailers.

The elite is maintained. All the wealth flows into their coffers. The people are given just enough to stop them waking up from the thrall, to stop them rioting.

The faceless elite ensure that Putin, Trump, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, Modi, Johnson and Orban are put in place.

A force of minions are employed to suppress the people. These zombies are trained to follow orders, put aside their own feelings and shoot their own people. The more psychotic are trained as torturers.

They are called soldiers, police, security guards, secret police and peace keepers. Without them the system doesn’t work.

Core Values – Freedom

Freedom is the basis for a lot of my life and thinking. I refuse to be a clone or slotted into a hole. I want to be free to think, feel, experience and express myself.

I resent any intrusion into what I regard as my freedom.

But I do recognise that freedom is a compromise and is limited. None of us are free.

The only way we can be completely free is to be living entirely on our own. Even then we are constrained by our abilities and nature.

I do not want extreme freedom.

I do not want to live in a society where people are allowed to be violent.

I do not want to live in a society where they are free to bully, express hatred, practice misogyny or racism, threaten, rape, steal or damage. I’m happy that there are laws to prevent this.

I do not want to live in a society where everyone has guns and armed police can shoot me.

I do not want to live in a society where those of a disposition can practice incest or paedophilia. I am happy there are laws on incest and an age of consent.

I feel that I am fairly able to live as I like. It is not a police state. I can vote for who I want, say what I like about the government and religion with impunity. I can believe in what I like or not, worship or not and blaspheme. I will not be tortured, imprisoned or burnt at the stake.

I might complain about the sham of our democracy and argue about certain laws – such as the drug laws – or complain about the exploitation and elitism – but I can go where I want, say what I want and do what I want.

If freedom was absolute we would have anarchy and a violent society in which nobody was safe. The violent bullies would rule. It would be grossly unfair and frightening.

So freedom for me is a compromise.

I’m OK with governments forcing short-term restrictions in an emergency – such as a pandemic – as long as those restrictions are limited, fair and removed ASAP.

I get aeriated about religions indoctrinating children or restricting women’s rights. I get aeriated about government censorship or political restrictions. I get vexed about media lies, government spin and fake news – it undermines truth and removes freedom.

I’m on the side of the people of Myanmar opposing their military government, those who fought apartheid, the Muslim women refusing the veil, the people standing up to juntas and oppression of any form. I’m for civil rights and for us all to be equal and free.

But let anybody try to take away my free speech, right to travel, right to vote or right to not worship and I would be forced to fight them.

Freedom is a basic right as far as I’m concerned. But freedom is a slippery beast. It is a compromise at best. Freedom is an ever evolving battle.

It is beyond me why anyone would support such a barbarous religion – can someone explain?

Islam is the fastest growing religion.
How can that be?
There is no clearer example of misogyny, cruelty, barbarism, intolerance, indoctrination, primitive behaviour, mindlessness or lack of morality anywhere else.
Why is it such a draw to young people?
The end result of that fanaticism is a world without music, tolerance or love.
Do we really want our women in shackles, subservient and side-lined?
It looks like a mediaeval nightmare to me!

Why not build a fair, tolerant zeitgeist and a world of love, tolerance and equality?

Religion is an excuse for the powerful to control everyone else!

Can anyone explain?