The murder of the last witch in Scotland.

The murder of the last witch in Scotland.


In the 1740s the meek and mild followers of gentle Jesus who resided in the hamlet of Knockdoor in Scotland barbarically killed the last witch. The old lady was dragged from her house given a rigged trial in a kangaroo court and murdered in the cruelest manner the Christians could devise.

There was no turning of the other cheek, no love, peace and understanding, no taking of beams from their own eyes, but instead, was a lot of casting of the first stones.

The evidence for this ghastly institutionalised crime was that she had turned her own daughter into a pony and had ridden her around town.

She was publicly tried for the offence and the clincher was that she stumbled over a word when reciting the Lord’s Prayer in Gaelic.

The sentence was death.

This evil witch was then dragged out by the mob and plunged into a barrel of boiling tar and set alight.

I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be thrust into boiling tar. I think I might have preferred crucifixion.

All the good Christian town-folk came to gloat over their neighbour’s agonies, argue over her possessions and rejoice that another evil witch was gone. It was probably the daughter who inherited the house and pony!

It sounds dreadful but our meek and mild followers of the Saviour of love did away with an estimated 2 million witches in Europe.

It has a lot of resonance with what is going on with ISIS burning pilots in metal cages, beheading, burying alive, crucifying, stoning, pressing and delighting in torture and cruelty.

Theocracy is great isn’t it?  The wonder is that anybody questions why I’m a confirmed Antitheist!

I think we need to build a more positive zeitgeist than anything religion can provide. Their history does not look good!

Medieval Morality

Medieval Morality

Fear of death

                Wonder and awe

Left us wondering

                What it was for.

We sought

                An answer

Around which

                We could concur.

We invented

                Gods and faith

Rules and religion

                To make us feel safe.

Now we’re prisoners

                Inside our concoction

Raging and dividing

                In full execution.

Victims of medieval


Preventing us exploring

                What might be.

Opher – 25.6.2022

Back in the dark depths of history we invented religions. Driven by a desire to understand we sought explanations.

Over time they became rigid dogma that chained us and prevented us accepting the new.

There had to be no change or evolution.

The dogma is a prison of our own making.

Periodically the zealots and fanatics want to drag us back to the Dark Ages.

Take away women’s rights, put them in robes, hidden behind veils. Lock them away.

Misogynistic religions blame women for the faults of men. They must be made to suffer.