If Only……….

Corbyn wanted to nationalise rail and power.

Just think – we wouldn’t have fat cats living rich off the profits and shoving the cash off-shore!!

We wouldn’t have had such a hike in energy prices!

We wouldn’t be having rail chaos.

Nationalising means proper funding, profits for the country and the money stays in the country!!

The DUP – Democratic Unionist Party – The people who now rule Britain.

Welcome to the DUP – a tiny party of ten MPs, a party formed by Ian Paisley based on religion and unionism.

These fire-breathing protestants once proposed teaching creationism in schools. They are bible-bashers of the most extreme and reactionary to boot. They oppose abortion, gay rights and seem to be rooted in the Dark Ages. They are climate change deniers who probably believe that god gave us the planet to fuck up.

On a positive note they do not want hard boundaries with the EU following Brexit which might herald a softer approach. They also want to protect the triple lock on pensions so the Tories might not be able to steal from the elderly.

These are the guys who hold the power. I bet there will be a lot of new schools and roads in Ireland soon but I wonder how long this unholy alliance can possibly last – god and the devil don’t usually get along.

How wise is it for the UK Government to become involved with partisan coalition with one side in the Northern Ireland cauldron? We have short memories.

Let’s hope that this marriage heads for a quick divorce and we can have another election and get rid of the Nasty Party once and for all!

I’ll Tell You What I Want – What I really Realy Want!!

  • I want an education system that works for everyone, that is properly funded, with excellent motivated staff, good support and without all the distracting, expensive gimmicks of Free Schools (with unqualified Staff), Religious schools (separation and indoctrination), Grammar Schools (for the few at the expense of the many) and Academies (Political instruments for undermining Local Authorities).
  • I want an NHS that is properly funded, without nurses needing food banks, without doctors working long hours, without creeping privatisation and with motivated staff.
  • I want a police force that is well funded and puts police in the community to get a handle on terrorism and crime.
  • I want counter-terrorism well funded and working with the EU to solve the terrible scourge of ISIS and religious fundamentalism.
  • I want a Social Care system that cares for the elderly and disabled and doesn’t rob them of their savings.
  • I want a more equal society where globalisation and automation doesn’t create paupers out of the many and billionaires out of the few. I want a progressive taxation system that addresses that balance so that the rich contribute more.
  • I want public servants paid fairly for the hard work they do and not have their pensions slashed so that billionaires and multinationals and bankers and ex-chancellors can keep more of their ill-earned loot.
  • I want a fairer society that works for everyone!!!

All those things, in one of the world’s richest countries, are perfectly affordable.

Under the Tories we have had austerity for the majority while the rich have become inordinately richer. But then, that is what the Tory Party was founded for. That is what it always does. It robs the poor to give to the rich!!!


Media show their anti-Labour bias – vicious attacks and slurs.

The surge in Labour popularity, as people wake up to the real motives of the Nasty Party, is sending Tories and their media into a spin. They have turned up the personal attacks.

It is noticeable that there is a distinct difference between the way the media deal with Cruella May and Mighty Corbyn. I’m not talking about the tabloids who are just plain scurrilous. They lie and distort but we have come to expect that. I am referring to the BBC radio and television interviews. The two candidates are not treated the same.

May is treated with deference while Corbyn is attacked. During the recent TV debate Paxman did his favourite trick of constantly interrupting Jeremy and piling on the pressure while he allowed May to talk without interruption. The tone and body language is vastly different, sending out a clear message that is as important as the words.

Labour have costed their plans but the Tories have not – relying on vague promises that will never materialise – yet Jeremy is hounded and May is not even questioned. It stinks.

There is no level playing field here. The Tories have loaded the BBC board with Tory people. It reeks.

To have a fair democratic election we need a fair democratic media. We haven’t got one. What we have is a Tory propaganda machine.

They want us to believe it’s about Brexit. Brexit unfortunately, is done and dusted and May has already antagonised Europe into a hard-line stance with her belligerence. What we now need are reasonable talks with Europe to get us a good deal. What we need is Jeremy bringing a better tone to the table. That will secure us the best deal.

The real issues are protecting our Schools, NHS and Social Care against the huge cuts created through Tory dogma. Creating a fairer society with less inequality by taxing the rich more and not giving them more tax cuts.

Prepare over the next week for an onslaught of personal slurs against Labour.

Protect our schools, NHS and care for the elderly. That’s what it’s about. Get out and vote the Nasty Party out!

A Simple Choice – election voting made easy – a viewpoint.

In the forthcoming election there is a choice between two governments with opposing ideology.

After the next election the country will be run by either the Tories, Labour or a coalition. I know what I would prefer.

The Tory party was formed by the wealthy elite to protect their interests.

The Labour party was formed out of the Trade Union movement to fight for the rights and wages of ordinary people.

Nothing has changed. If we cut through the rhetoric, lies and promises to look at what actually happens.

When Labour were in they increased pay and ran the public services properly. They also had the economy in the black until the world-wide crisis occurred.

When the Tories are in they cut pay, cut public services, worsen work conditions, slash pensions and make life miserable for the poor. They give tax cuts to the rich. In these times of austerity the rich have increased their wealth substantially. The inequality gap has widened enormously.

The media (including the BBC) are run by the rich with a strong Tory bias. They put out Tory propaganda to distort the reality. The tabloids are outrageous.

This is not a beauty contest between May and Corbyn; it is a choice between starkly different ideologies.

I vote for more fairness and equality, the protection of the environment and to protect our schools, social services and the NHS. I agree with Corbyn on most things – this country is being run for a small elite to the detriment of the rest of us. Something has to change!

What do you vote for?

How do the Labour Party sort themselves out?

Despite the madness in the Tory Party Labour are trailing in the polls. Yet never have we needed them more desperately. After years of Tory austerity and their war against public services and the poor it is time Labour took over and set an agenda for fairness and equality. But right at the moment we most need them they are busy tearing themselves to bits yet again. We have had the Foot controversy and the Blair/Brown divisions. We have had the terrible division that led to the ridiculous Lib/Dem fiasco that allowed the years of Thatcher devastation. What we desperately need is for Labour to put aside its senseless squabbles, bury the hatchet metaphorically instead of battering away at each other with it, and agree on a compromise agenda that will put the country first and the Nasty Party as the real enemy.

The Tory Party sorted its leadership crisis with ruthless efficiency. Labour need to do the same.

Right now the grassroots are at odds with their own parliamentary party. The Trade Unions are also at war with the MPs. The leadership is beleaguered and does not have a viable shadow cabinet. The media are loving it and stirring the pot with delight. The electorate watch on in disbelief and don’t see an electable party.

Angela Eagle is not a viable candidate.

Is Corbyn capable of leading and forming a viable cabinet?

Let us get the leadership election sorted quickly, all gather around the winner and take the battle to the real foe!

This is a mess of our own doing. The worst that can happen would be another split which lets the tyrannous Tories off the hook as it did in the Thatcher years.

In this crisis the country surely has to come first?

Leadership – What is it?

Leadership is simply the ability to get people to follow you.

A leader can rouse, inspire and inflame. They can create a fervour where, even against their better judgement, they follow them into the very jaws of death.

The most stirring example of leadership can be seen with acts such as ‘the charge of the Light Brigade’. Mad it might have been but they did it.

A leader points and says ‘over there’ – ‘this way’. If they have leadership qualities people get up and do what they are told – they follow.

A Manager sorts out the practicalities for getting to the destination.

Every scheme requires good leadership and management in order to succeed.

History is full of leaders who changed the world for better or worse.

On the dark side we have leaders such as Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Milosevic.

On the bright side we have Ghandi, Martin Luther King and Mandela.

Strong leaders can be very dangerous. They can lead us into war, genocide and huge economic disaster. If their idealism and vision is not fully thought through and managed it can lead into ruin. However if a leader has a sound vision and the pragmatism (or support team) to enable it to succeed they can lead us to prosperity and happiness.

If a leader fails their credibility is shot. They are through.

All our politicians have leadership qualities. They have inspired people to follow and vote for them.

In the referendum there were leaders who succeeded and leaders who failed.

Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Michael Gove all succeeded. They asked the people to vote out and they did.

David Cameron, George Osborn and Jeremy Corbyn all failed. They asked the public to vote in and they didn’t.

That is why Cameron has resigned, Osborn is a lame duck who cannot succeed him and Corbyn should now go. A failed leader has nowhere to run. They are discredited.