Totally unwarranted attack on the three High Court Judges! Stupidity rules!

First the Brexiteers want sovereignty to be decided by British courts and then they scream when it is.

The right-wing media is totally out of order. The right-wing Tories are looking to set up a tyranny not democracy.

The referendum was poorly framed, poorly executed and has resulted in chaos and will I strongly suspect result in the long-term decline of Britain.

I voted remain but I accept what I consider is the most stupid decision that the British people have come up with in a very long time. I listen to what the politicians have to say on the matter and it is plain ludicrous. The reasons for people voting out were many. You can easily enumerate the main ones – sovereignty, to prevent mass immigration, bureaucracy in the EU, to make us better off, fear of terrorism, revolt against austerity, dislike of undemocratic aspects of the EU, to go back to the ‘good old days’, that Britain can do better on its own, as a howl of rage against the establishment and austerity. The fact that most of these in my opinion are complete bonkers and not going to be ‘solved’ by leaving the EU is neither here nor there. We were lied to – but people should have seen through it. They voted and we are stuffed. We are coming out. For Theresa May to suggest that she knows why people voted out is a lie. The reasons were many and complex.

There is not a majority against immigration or a majority for sovereignty. There is not a majority for any one thing. The referendum was binary. It did not tell us anything of why people voted and what % were in favour of what.  If you take out all the votes who were just wanting to have a go at the establishment there would not have been a vote to leave.

The question remains how do we leave? There are many options. These need discussing.

The three judges ruled on the law. I knew that a referendum is advisory before it happened. Parliament, not government, can effect it. That is law.

The judges are not blocking Brexit. They are ruling on a constitutional matter. The only body that can decide on Brexit and the type of Brexit is parliament – not a small executive of extreme right-wing Tories. I strongly suspect that parliament will vote for suicide – because that is democracy and the politicians support democracy.

I want a full democratic discussion over the many complex issues involved in leaving the EU. Those decisions will decide jobs, austerity and even death for millions of British people. They are not to be taken lightly and they are not to be decided by a bunch of extreme nutters. Our representatives need a say!

The right-wing fanatics can shriek all they like – it is democratic to discuss these huge weighty issues in parliament. It is tyrannical for a small group of extreme politicians to keep everything secret and make all the decisions themselves.

All the death and rape threats being directed at the judges are disgusting. The hysteria of the media is disgusting. This is part of the hate and extremism that Brexit has unleashed. We’ve allowed a bunch of racist, violent thugs out of the cupboard. We have to find a way to lock them back in. They are an obnoxious minority.

Hey – personally I’d far rather be ruled by Europe rather than the likes of Fox, Davies, May and Reese-Mogg, but I don’t have a choice.

At this moment in time stupidity rules.

Thank heavens we have the law to give us a little protection from the extremes!

Boris’s real reason for dropping out and Gove’s real reason for knifing him!

Boris was never a Leaver. He did not believe that was the best thing for the country. Boris is an opportunist. He knew it would be a close result but believed Remain would win by a narrow margin. He believed that it would be close enough to remove Cameron and he would be elected.

It went horribly wrong.

He was immediately horrified and was looking for ways out of the mess.

Gove knew Boris’s heart wasn’t in it and that he would do a U-turn so he butchered him.

Boris did not complain too much. He was out of it.

Gove is unelectable. He’s a refugee from a star-system a long way away who suffered a personality melt-down in hyperspace.

May is having to talk tough in order to get elected by the ultra-right Brexiteers. But will

anyone dare to plunge the country into disaster by actually pressing the button?

I hope not but I suspect they will have to because they lack the imagination to do otherwise.

The role of Parliament and Brexit.

The role of parliament is to make the best decisions for the good of the country.

If the vast majority of parliament believes that to leave the EU is against the interests of the British people are they morally bound to vote against leaving despite the referendum result?

There are many precedents.

A remainers cartoons about Brexit.

This Referendum was the most important political event since the Second World War. It’s effects will be experienced for generations to come. At the moment there is uncertainty. There is fear. There is uncertainty. There is dismay. There is fury. There is hatred.

If you want to know how some remainers feel then look at these cartoons produced by Roger who is a good friend of ours. He worked in architecture and is now retired. He was appalled by the vote and saw it as a disaster. His view is that it is not just about economics but the social upheaval and attitude to ‘foreigners’. He believes the country was deceived by orchestrated lies spread by the media and politicians. People were promised a pot of gold and told that immigration can be controlled.

This is an illustration of his scathing attitude towards the politicians who orchestrated this referendum. He believed they, along with the media, treated the population with contempt and misled them. He believes that many people were duped by promises of wealth and that immigration would be reduced, when they knew this was not true. He despairs at the veering to the right in both Britain and the USA.

The words and cartoons are his.

Ship of fools 1

SHIP OF FOOLS is an allegory, originating from Book VI of Plato’s Republic. The allegory depicts a vessel without a pilot, taken over by force or persuasion by those who are deranged, frivolous, or oblivious, and seemingly ignorant of their course. This mob is willing to kill anyone in the way, and to drug the captain if necessary. The true pilot, who knows the stars, the wind, and how to stay on course, is considered useless by the mob.

Ship of fools 3

In the left hand panel we see that the ship is drifting towards a society of intolerance represented by an extremist propped up by minority ultra right wing hate factions such as the Ku Klux Klan. The feather in Donald Trump’s headdress questions just who are the indigenous inhabitants of the US.  The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow indicates the UK’s financial contribution to Europe and by recovering this the Brexiteers will, it is claimed, be able lead us to prosperity. The rainbow end as we know, can never be reached and this is confirmed by it being divided between the panels.

Ship of fools 2

In this drawing the central panel shows the ship, which represents the United Kingdom being taken over by the Brexiteers represented by IDS, Gove, Farage, BoJo and Rees Mogg dragging with them the British public depicted as pawns.

The Union flag, in tatters and flying at half-mast, symbolizes the break up of our society and mourning the loss of its cohesion and tolerance. The flag is also flying up side down, as a signal of distress.

Ship of fools 4

The right hand panel shows Europa on the back of the white bull (Zeus) as he swims away. Europa is split apart by the panel sides as the UK breaks away. All this is being observed by one of Europe’s neighbours represented by Vladimir Putin.

The Vitruvian scroll representing the sea links all three panels and reminds us that we can never be separate. The pawn in the back of the ship on the central panel is reaching out in desperation at the tearing apart of Europe.


A view from the New Yorker on Brexit.

An interesting view. Another good objective article from outside the UK. It is good for people to start applying intelligence to solve the turmoil this unnecessary referendum has unleashed.

This was an interesting article by the New York Times providing a bit of objectivity on proceedings.

The New York Times has a proud reputation for the standard of its journalism It is interesting to see what they think about the turmoil the referendum vote has unleashed.

No lack of respect or contempt for those who voted leave from here!

I understand that there are many people denigrating and abusing people who voted leave. I think they are misguided. Their anger should not be directed in that way.

There were many reasons why people voted to leave. Many of them were valid and many of them were stupid and ill-informed. The same was true for the remain camp.

I respect all those who voted leave who had thought it through and arrived at a decision for one reason or another.

I don’t agree with them. I think the risk was far too great and the outcome is a disaster. I am extremely angry and frustrated. But I am not taking it out on anyone who thought differently to me. I respect them.

What is needed now is some way forward and that requires unity and cooperation.

We need to stop squabbling and look at ways of dealing with all the negative fall-out.

Is Nigel Farage’s gloating arrogance when addressing the EU the right way to go?

Did Nigel Farage, with his gloating goading of the EU, firmly slam the door on any possibility of a decent deal with Europe? He antagonised and infuriated. Is this the way we want Britain to be represented – Bombastic, arrogance?

He made me feel ashamed.

So what is the way forward now? Is there a way out of this mess?

How do we get out of this mess?

  1. Sort of the Leadership of both Labour and the Tories
  2. Have a general election
  3. Have a new referendum