Desperate Tories try to revive the dead.

Having wrecked all the public services, given away the cash to their chums and thoroughly broken Britain they now realise that people have woken up to the mess they have left us in.

From potholes to sewage,

Schools to hospitals,

Police and courts to immigration,

The economy to mortgages,

The cost of living to interest rates,

Nothing bloody works!!! We pick up the bill while Mone, Cameron, Osbourne and Johnson waltz off with millions!!,

From the rich, of the rich and for the rich!,

Desperate to have another round of power and corruption so they can continue the sleaze they are trying to convince us that they are competent and the pledges are being met I say BOLLOCKS!!!

We’ve Seen Through the Lying Conmen and Profiteering Self-Servers!!

The British public aren’t completely stupid! The bubble has burst!! They can all fuck off to the Cayman Islands with their ill-gotten loot! Lady Mone, Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson, Cameron, Osborne, Sunak and the rest of the greedy elitist pirates!

They’ll try to bribe us!

They’ll lie!

They’ll summon up fear and division!

They need booting out!

Who Cares about Working People?

Nurses, Teachers, Posties, Civil Servants, railways, you name it! Thirteen years of pay cuts for ordinary workers. Thirteen years of pay bonanza at the top!

How much do Sunak, Cameron, Osborne and Johnson earn? Really!! You can’t be serious!

Picassos, Greensill, Cameron, Tory Sleaze and Rowson!!

The Greensill event just let the veil slip from the Tory image exposing the greed that consumes them. They live in a different world where incomes in millions seems ordinary and it doesn’t matter how they get their hands on the cash!!

Corruption and sleaze prevail!!

Government corruption???? The immorality of it!! 66 Cameron ministers and aides walk into lucrative jobs in the very areas they were responsible for. A misuse of power and knowledge to the detriment of the country!!

Talk about feathering your own nest and selfish greed. Politics is now merely a revolving door into hugely lucrative positions in business.

Wasn’t it Osborne and Cameron who came up with that ‘We’re all in it together’ crap – before swanning off to multimillion pound roles.

We had Osborne taking a huge pay out for advising firms how to dodge paying millions of pounds of tax – a traitorous act!

We have Cameron misusing his influence to favour a firm who was paying him £45 million!

But behind them are another 64 who have used their position to gain access to wealth beyond all understanding.

These are the callous clowns who brought in austerity, pay cuts and zero hours!!!

All in it together!!!!

Lies Lies Lies!!!!

This stinks of rabid capitalism and Tory corruption!!!

Revealed: 66 David Cameron ministers and aides took jobs linked to portfolio (

We’re all in it together!

Wasn’t that the slogan thought up by Cameron and Osborne?

A snappy little slogan too! It said we all had to tighten our belts because the country could not afford to pay everyone what they were being paid. We were living beyond our means.

This year George Osborne’s income has been in excess of £2,000,000 (£165,000 from Blackrock, approaching £2,000,000 from lectures, £85,000 for being an MP and undisclosed amount from being appointed editor of the Evening Standard.

David Cameron’s earning are not available but I know he is converting a shed in order to write his memoires – I wonder how much for?

So while nurses have to use food banks and all public sector workers have had pay and pensions slashed, the superrich have doubled their income and the politicians are creaming it in.

We’re all in it together? Well most of us are in the poo together!

New Tory Government more ideologically dangerous than Thatcher?

wolf-in-sheep-s-clothing wolf in sheep

Thatcher was strident and divisive. She unleashed a huge divisive backlash.

Cameron is the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

If there is not sufficient opposition to this three pronged attack on democracy we will be looking effectively at a tyranny.

If the Tories control the news they control the minds.

If they bankrupt the opposition they have no opposition.

If they castrate the unions the bosses can impose what they like on ordinary working people.

If we look back through history from the Magna Carta, through the chartists, Swing riots, suffragettes, Peterloo massacre, the enclosures, slavery, Luddites, Diggers and union movement, we see that every right, every freedom, every vote, every improvement in pay and conditions has had to be fought for and paid for with blood. Many thousands of people died in order for us to have the freedoms we enjoy.

‘Find the cost of freedom buried in the ground’.

Yet we blindly walk into an era when those hard-fought for rights are quietly taken away from us.

Is there no opposition?

Tory record on national debt is appalling! Debt increasing by £2 Billion a week! Doubled under Tories!

debt Debt politics Nigel-Nelson-Cartoon-tamb Steve Bell 28.09.2012 austerity-isnt-working-2

How can the Tories claim to be good financial managers? Their policies have created the slowest recovery from a recession in history. They have doubled the national debt in a mere five years!!

Under Labour with Blaire we were in surplus.

When Brown left the national debt was £.76 trillion.

In the 13 years of Labour government the National Debt increased by £420 Billion.

In the 5 years of Tory rule the National Debt has increased by £600 Billion.

The National Debt is now £1.56 Trillion – double what it was under Labour and increasing by 2 Billion a week.

That is some great financial management!! How do they get away with it? Sounds like complete mismanagement to me!

The Political Debate – The Women won it!!


Farage was an arse!

Milliband was better than Cameron!!

No wonder Cameron doesn’t want to square up to Milliband – he looks really rattled. How can you defend the policy to annihilate public services??  More of the same but worse!! More Cuts!!! Debt not paid!!!   It is ludicrous!!  All he relies on is accusing Labour of causing a world recession!! Insane.

Clegg is a side-issue! Nobody believes a word. He allowed the Nasty Party to shit on us!

Milliband is getting better by the minute. But Nicola Sturgeon and the three other ladies won the debate hands down.

What they all need to take on board is that austerity does not work. It has caused huge damage and hasn’t paid off the debt!

I’m quite looking forward to a coalition that gets rid of austerity – the SNP/Labour might be just the ticket!!