A plug for Record Collector – Red Guitars and Lou Duffy-Howard


The cover picture of this book is of Lou and Rich.

Hull has a thriving Music Scene – it is just that the rest of the country hasn’t cottoned on.

Back in the eighties the Red Guitars were threatening to be massive. They were edgy and different with all their African Salsa beats coupled with great lyrics, a left-wing ideology and Punk ethos. They did it their way and it worked.

It was a great shame when they split. It happens so often. Who knows what might have happened? They had the potential.

Lou Duffy-Howard went on to take that fabulous Bass into Planet Wilson.

Now she and Rich are Loudhailer and promoting and performing music in Hull. They put on the Nick Harper gig in Cottingham.

Their Loudhailer Electric Company are the best psychedelic band in the land. They are recording an album and doing a few gigs. Catch them if you can! They’re fab! I’m expecting big things and I’ve been promised an Opher Sofa in Wembley arena.

The reason I’m writing this is because RECORD COLLECTOR have just released their latest edition. It has some articles on minor Rock stuff like THE WHO, ARTHUR LEE & LOVE, RICK WAKEMAN, GRATEFUL DEAD and BILL HALEY but the really important thing is that it has a great in depth article on the BRILLIANT RED GUITARS!!!!

So I would advise everyone to rush out and buy it. Then we can all think about what might have been and ponder on what is to come!

Hull Songs Launch Concert

Liz and Opher, Dave

A brilliantly organised event. It ran like clockwork, was arranged to the last detail and hosted with warm congeniality. The eclectic range of brilliant acts was testament to the talent in Hull waiting to be tapped. This doesn’t all come together by chance. One look at Rich’s incredible photography around the room shows the genius on display. This was meticulously put together. Rich and Lou should be organising the City of Culture. They know how to do it!

Loudhailer at the Back Room Cottingham Sept 2015

What a great night! What a superb set of musicians and poets! What a varied line-up! Rich & lou have certainly got the place humming!

We had Poetry, Blues, Violin, Singer-songwriter, Duets, Folk, Mouth organ, Tambour, Whistling, Clarinet, Flute, Blues-harp, Accordion, and Organ. Oh – and lots of clapping!!

We had parts of Dead Fingers Talk, Forest, Videoed Cowfish, Planet Wilson, Red Guitars, Nazca 9 and Loudhailer Electric Company.

There were lots of originals, a bit of Son House, three Forests and we ended with a great bit of Love.



Here’s a mess of photos:

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Cottingham Loudhailer – Music session in the Back Room – Be there or be square!

537 Essential Rock Albums coverThat’s them on the front of my book!!

It’s that time again!!  Rich and Lou host another music session extraordinaire at the Back Room in Cottingham. If you like good music, great people and a brilliant night out then this is the place!!

They say it’s acoustic but it rocks!

Starts at 7.30 pm. There’s beer! There’s music! There’s people! There’s a great atmosphere! What more could you want?

Here’s the link:

Loudhailer Acoustic Nights

I’ll be there – how about you?

Celtarabia – Rock Beverley with their high energy performance.

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Never has Arabian music rocked so much. The dulcimer and hurdy-gurdy provide an exotic middle-eastern tone and the bass and drums drive it into another dimension. This is world-fusion that drives. You can’t keep your feet still. It’s dance heaven. But it is also music of a high calibre.

Quentin’s hurdy-gurdy is exquisite and Mandy’s dulcimer is delectable. Chill and Lou provide the drums and bass, with occasional whoops of delight, that send it cascading into powerful performance. This is great music performed by four quality musicians who are masters of their instruments. Rarely has expertise been applied into such joyous music.

This is a band you can dance or listen too with equal enjoyment. They were a pleasure to both ears and feet!

This is a blend of creativity with tunes from forever. It works superbly.

If you get the chance get along to see them.

Failing that check out their website:


and then check out Loudhailer’s website featuring Rich and Lou (two of the best):


Thanks guys!