Poetry – The Charge of the not so bright Brigade!

The Charge of the not so bright Brigade!

Onward! Onward! Full of great bluster

Strode Billy Bunter.

Lies to the left of him.

Lies to the right of him.

Lies in front of him.

Lies all around him.

Strode Billy Bunter.

Someone shouted that he’d blundered.

His not to make reply.

His not to reason why.

His but to do or die.

(In a ditch).

Into a right old mess

Strode Billy Bunter.

Half a brain – Half a brain

Half a brain onward

Strode Billy Bunter!

Opher – 6.12.2019

Apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson and Billy Bunter.

You could not write it.

The Machiavellian Dominic Cummings pulls the strings.

The buffoon performs.

The country is fucked and the turkeys vote for Christmas!

Obviously political education should be on the curriculum!!

Poetry – Billy Bunter is in charge

Billy Bunter is in charge

The shambling boy-child,

Like an overgrown Billy Bunter,

Stuffing his face,

As the chancer becomes a punter.

He has blustered and blundered

His way through the door,

With tax cuts for the rich

And ‘who cares about the poor?’

Leaving with no deal

On a ramshackle course

With no intellectual rigour

An Eeyore for the workforce.

He’s the toxic new PM

Selling the country down the drain;

A jester and an air-head.

Ain’t it all a bleeding shame!

Opher – 22.7.2019

The Public schoolboy under the thrall of fascism is taking his populism to the country. Trump-light takes up the reins as the hard right pull the strings.

All he cares about is power

Lazy, fat and blundering, the dishevelled mess is now the face of Britain. The blustering moron is now running the show.

What a mess we are in.

What does the world think of us?

A Comical experience.

When I was young I used to read lots of comics and children’s books. I had an impression of what Public Schools (Private Schools) were all about. They were the place where extremely wealthy people sent their pampered, soft kids to be abused and told they were better than everybody else. They nurtured elitism and contempt and were largely things of the past.

Those comics and stories featured extreme caricatures like Billy Bunter and Lord Snooty.

What a surprise!!

Billy Bunter is now running the country and Lord Snooty is lolling on the bench as Leader of the House and pulling the strings!