Poetry – All Around the World

All Around the World

All around the world

There are mindless men in uniform

With guns, helmets and body armour.

Trained not to think.

They no longer have minds.

They do as they are told.

All around the world

There are arrogant men in power

Who command their minions to do their will.

They do not care about anything

The believe they deserve everything.

We do as we are told.

Opher – 11.6.2020

The various totalitarian states are propped up by mindless goons carrying out orders.

Some enjoy the power.

Some like to have the freedom to indulge their prejudices.

Some like the violence and licence to hurt or kill.

Mindless goons.

Mindless goons propping up tyrants.

The Goon Squad – Elvis Costello

I think we’ve all been put into the Goon Squad haven’t we? Just as the wonderful Elvis Costello told us.

I woke up this morning with the latest news of Trump on the airwaves. The whole crooked enterprise of project Trump is beginning to come to light. That made me laugh.

The whole establishment is crooked. We are all sold out. We are all destined to play our role in the goon squad.

Trump, May, Farage and the rest of the shadowy ones behind it run the family business. It’s business as usual. They gather up the goon squad to do the business.

Elvis Costello Lyrics

“Goon Squad”

Mother, Father, I’m here in the zoo
I can’t come home ’cause I’ve grown up too soon
I got my sentence
I got my command
They said they’d make me major if I met all their demands
I could be a corporal into corporal punishment
Or the general manager of a large establishment
They pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod
But I never thought they’d put me in the

Goon squad
They’ve come to look you over and they’re giving you the eye
Goon squad
They want you to come out to play
You’d better say goodbye

Some grow just like their dads
And some grow up too tall
Some go drinking with the lads
Some don’t grow up at all

And you must find the proper place
For everything you see
But you’ll never get to make a lampshade out of me

I could join a chain of males or be the missing link
Looking for a lucky girl to put me in the pink
They pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod
But I never thought they’d put me in the

Good squad ….

Mother, Father, I’m doing so well
I’m making such progress now that you can hardly tell
I fit in a little dedication
With one eye on the clock
They caught you under medication
You could be in for a shock

Thinking up the alibis that everyone’s forgotten
Just another mummy’s boy gone to rotten
They pat some good boys on the back and put some to the rod
But I never thought they’d put me in the

Goon squad….