Goons of War

Goons of War

They give their souls away.

                Just obeying orders.

Trained not to think.

                Told they’re protecting borders.

No longer reasoning people:

                Zombies with no brains.

Thrown their morality

                With their freedom down the drains.

Following all their orders

                Without question or doubt.

Killing without mercy.

                No need to work it out.

They are called soldiers.

                Mindless morons

                                Following orders.

Opher – 6.4.2022

Why would anybody throw away their freedom, allow themselves to be moulded into a mindless killing machine, a tool of the state?

Why would they become a soldier, a secret policeman, a goon?

These mindless morons do as they are told without question. They have no vestiges of humanity as they dispense death to the innocent.

Without them tyrants cannot exist.

Poetry – All Around the World

All Around the World

All around the world

There are mindless men in uniform

With guns, helmets and body armour.

Trained not to think.

They no longer have minds.

They do as they are told.

All around the world

There are arrogant men in power

Who command their minions to do their will.

They do not care about anything

The believe they deserve everything.

We do as we are told.

Opher – 11.6.2020

The various totalitarian states are propped up by mindless goons carrying out orders.

Some enjoy the power.

Some like to have the freedom to indulge their prejudices.

Some like the violence and licence to hurt or kill.

Mindless goons.

Mindless goons propping up tyrants.