Absurd Met becomes Boris Johnson stooge!!

How difficult is it to hand out fixed penalty notices?? We’re not talking court cases here?? Why should Sue Gray’s report be delayed or in any way impinged in any way?? This is political obstruction!! Undermining democracy!!

Poetry – The Death of Democracy

The Death of Democracy

So on this New Year’s Day

I’ll raise a cup to democracy

And drink to its death.

For the whole idea

Was strangled

Ere it could ever draw a breath.

Even as the midwives struggled

To get the babe to breathe

There were those who lurked,

In shadows, seeking to deceive.

For in the grubby grasp of fake news

Where the media holds sway.

Those who own that message

Control who has a say.

With cunning, guile and transparency

They throw lies into the fray

To ensure that in this day and age

It’s them that gets their way!

When money talks

It buys the truth

That everybody believes.

Those who own the media

Set out the case

For the robber thieves.

Democracy never stood a chance –

Fingers tightened round its throat.

Now we watch the bloated bankers

Sit around and gloat.

Without the truth there is no chance

For wise choices to be made.

The wealthy used their gold

And the assassins were all paid.

Opher – 1.1.2020

Well my first poem of a new decade proved to be a bit dark.

I cannot help thinking that we are all being manipulated and lied to by the media. The wealthy own the papers and control TV and radio too. They run the world for profit. Their motives are transparent.

If you are not given the facts you cannot make an informed decision.

If you are consistently lied to you may start to believe what you are told.

Fake news is undermining the entire fabric of our society.

Real news is called fake by populist leaders.

Experts are side-lined and conveniently ignored.

Profit is the key word.

How can you have a free election when people are being blatantly lied to and manipulated?

How can any democracy work when the elite control the media?

Democracy does not stand a chance until we have unbiased news!!

Democracy – is it achievable?

For there to be a true democracy a number of factors have to be achieved:

a. We have to have a good choice of candidates.

b. We have to be informed.

c. There should be no bias.

d. Everybody has to have a vote.

e. Every vote should count.

f. Those elected need to be accountable.

What we have is a sham democracy. We have a two-party system of supposedly representational democracy. We have a binary vote. With our one vote we are presumed to support the entire agenda of the political parties manifesto. The whole system is corrupt. It is run by money and power. We are being manipulated, brainwashed and lied to.

a. We never have a good choice of candidates. It’s a two-horse race. The political parties have vested interests. Good candidates do not get selected. We have a limited choice between the lesser of two evils. Without huge financial backing no other candidate stands a chance. The media provides the exposure required. The media has to be bought. The media backs who they are told to back. Propaganda rules.

b. With a biased media run by the establishment no election is fair. Antiestablishment candidates or parties are tarnished, lied about and misrepresented. They have no chance. He who controls the media controls the people. We are never properly informed on issues, candidates or parties. Our electorate is politically uneducated.

c. The media is biased. The internet is worst of all. We are fed lies. We are misinformed. Those squealing fake news are the biggest liars.

d. Everyone has a vote. That is a weakness. The stupid, ignorant and most gullible have the same vote as the intelligent, informed and discerning. The stupid, ignorant and most gullible are a majority. This makes it possible for cynical politicians to lie, cheat, promise and blatantly fool the electorate.

e. My vote has never counted. I have always lived in an area that is strongly for one party or another. The only votes that really count are those in swing seats – a small minority. Until we move to proportional representation most votes count for nothing.

f. They are never accountable. They lie, spin and refuse to answer questions. They look for scapegoats and refuse to take the blame for their sleaze, corruption or mistakes. The Tories refuse to appear on any programme that would ask awkward questions or hold them to account.

This is a sham democracy. It fails on all counts.

It needs changing.

It could be made to work – but it is not in the interests of our ‘masters’ to have a functional democracy. They are happy with it as it is!!

Poetry – Dupes


The heroes and the thinking people – they’ve all gone away!

They’ve left behind the morons – now we’re all gonna pay!

They believe everything they read in the bloody Daily Mail,

The Sun, the Express, Telegraph and Nigel Farage as well!

We’re morons! We’re morons!

We’ve forgotten how to think!

We’re morons! We’re morons!

It’s a wonder we can blink!

Opher 13.11.2019


The BBC are going around the country stopping various members of the public to ask them about Brexit and the election. They either deliberately pick out complete morons or edit the intelligent responses out.

The people they select seem to be uniformly ignorant and stupid.

Yesterday they picked on a pub in the north of England. A bunch of old fools were sitting round a table and came out with the most moronic tosh I have ever heard. They could not see why we just could not pull out of Europe overnight without any understanding of the partnerships, collaborations and complexity of international trade relationships. They wanted our borders secured but had no concept of the massive checks, tariffs and complexity that this would entail.

The biggest stupidity was one imbecile who thought that we’d do very well because we are British; we used to rule half the world.

I felt like nutting the guy.

We never ruled half the world. The people who ruled half the world are the ones who live in the big mansions, the Stately Homes, and penthouses. The likes of us were either signed up in the army and being used for expendable cannon fodder, or working twelve hours a day, six days a week, in the factories. We did not even have a vote!

Those people still rule the world!

They set about taking over the world so that they could exploit the natives and strip the assets. All that wealth from the colonies went into the pockets of the wealthy elite so they could live in their mansions with their myriad of servants and lavish lifestyles. That enormous wealth did not filter down to ordinary people. Our conditions were appalling. We were every bit as exploited as the natives of the countries we conquered.

The Tory Party was formed by that wealthy elite in order to look after the interests of the wealthy elite – and that is what they do. Over the last ten years they have systematically robbed the poor to give to the rich. They have cut social services and public services while giving tax cuts to the wealthy. They have enabled the wealthy to use tax loopholes to avoid paying taxes.

It is scandalous.

This poem is aimed at that ignorant, ill-educated segment of society. They should read a bit more of our history!

Democracy – the end of the road? Chris Riddell.

As the Tory party threatens the BBC and already controls the media we move towards a totalitarian state. He who controls the media controls the minds of the electorate.

Then we have the suppression of protest. The lack of accountability. The refusal to go on programs where there would be any scrutiny or challenge. The changes to boundaries.

Thanks John Peachey.

Afghanistan – the legacy

Should we have invaded the country in the first place?

Did the brutality of the Taliban justify action?

Should it have been the UN that took on the role?

Did we make a difference?

Now, the way we have suddenly left, what terrible fates have we left the people in?

What is the fate of the women and girls? Can they work and study or are they just abused?

Will anybody who worked with us be tortured and killed?

Will the country return to beheadings, stoneings and brutality?

Was there a better way?

Are the Tory Populists overthrowing Democracy??

I would add to the list:

Controlling the BBC

Using the media as a propaganda tool

Refusing to appear on any program where they might be challenged

Brazenly not resigning when caught out in criminal or dishonorable acts

Changing electoral boundaries to benefit themselves

Bringing in legislation to insist on photo documentation to be on the electoral register (a trick learnt from the Republicans to make it hard for poor or black voters to register)

It all adds up to a usurping of democracy to me. They want a one-party state!

Poetry – Lies Lies Lies

Lies Lies Lies

Look out!!!  Terrorists!!

Immigrants and scroungers!!

Scamming on the NHS

The dirty foreign bounders!!

Work-shy!! Lazy bastards!!

Lying in bed all day!!

Dirty little sluts

Who like having it away!!

They are robbing our great nation!!

And it’s all the EUs faults!!

With their bent cucumbers

And bureaucratic sorts!!

We can’t arrest Bin Laden

Or deport Captain Hook!!

They’ve got to have their rights

It’s written in the book!!

The sooner we make our own laws

The sooner we’ll be free!!

To taste the honey mead of England

In sweet liberty!!!

The headlines scream their lies

For the masses to consume.

While the bankers rob us blind

As the rich sustain their boom.

Fiddling £10 on the dole

Is a crime against the nation.

While evading tax on billions

Is not worthy of sensation.

The Public Services cost too much!!

Reduce their pay and pensions.

But we must increase the CEOs pay

To avoid possible abstentions.

The poor are nowt but parasites

A stain upon our country!!

Set them to work for crumbs

Packing shelves and cleaning lavatory.

The food banks and soup kitchens

Are good enough for them!!

Addicts and alkies

Lazy scroungers and not men!!

Automate the factories

More profits for the boys

Who cares if there’s no work??

Or who it may annoy!!

Lies, lies and more lies

Are poured out everyday

To befuddle all our minds

So the big boys scam their pay.

The lust for power, wealth and fame

Is what runs this little game.

The establishment has long played it thus

And likes keeping it the same.

Big lies, little lies

Scandals and distractions.

Designed to keep us in our place

And disarm all the factions.

Opher 24.11.2017

The views of the nation are moulded by the wealthy who control the media. They drip-feed their vile propaganda directly into the minds of the gullible through the garbage of the Daily Express, Daily Mail, Sun and Telegraph. Their lies are presented as facts.

It is all contrived to maintain the establishment and enable them to keep exploiting us. While we languish in austerity they continue to rake it in.

They ramp up the fear and hate by exaggerating the threats. They keep up their propaganda about the evils of Europe, Corbyn and immigrants. There is no democracy while we are fed on lies.