Tell Me Lies About Brexit

Tell Me Lies About Brexit

I don’t want to hear about lorry queues,

                All the red tape

                                And the extra cost blues.

Just tell me lies about the sunny uplands

                The fairy-tale trade deals,

                                The extravagant plans.

The Brexit dividend

                The border control

That we haven’t dug ourselves into a great big hole.

I don’t want to hear about rotting fruit

                About job losses

                                And lack of recruits.

Just tell me lies about the sunny uplands

                The fairy-tale trade deals,

                                The extravagant plans.

The Brexit dividend

                The border control

That we haven’t dug ourselves into a great big hole.

I don’t want to hear about the GDP,

                The loss of growth

                                And how that affects me.

Just tell me lies about the sunny uplands,

                The fairy-tale trade deals,

                                The extravagant plans.

The Brexit dividend,

                The border control

That we haven’t dug ourselves into a great big hole.

So tell me about £250 million on the side of a bus!

Not how many billions it’s really costing us!

Tell me about how good it will be

Not how much it’s costing me.

Tell me Rees-Mogg didn’t make a million or two.

That they weren’t lying – the whole ERG crew.

Tell me that I can still study, travel and work

Without a thousand forms from some Whitehall berk.

Tell me how great it will be

Different to what these eyes of mine see.

Just tell me lies about the sunny uplands

                The fairy-tale trade deals,

                                The extravagant plans.

The Brexit dividend

                The border control

That we haven’t dug ourselves into a great big hole.

I don’t want to hear about the empty shelves

The petrol prices or the energy.

I don’t want to hear about the lack of nurses

Or fewer drivers with the HGV.

I don’t want to know that it was a pack of lies

That the Turks weren’t coming

Or all the cucumbers weren’t the wrong size.

I don’t want think as I sit in this queue

That it didn’t have to be like this

                What did we do?

Just tell me lies about the sunny uplands

                The fairy-tale trade deals,

                                The extravagant plans.

The Brexit dividend

                The border control

That we haven’t dug ourselves into a great big hole.

Opher – 28.7.2022

Sadly, we were conned! We didn’t wrest back control from Brussels. We are still not in control of our borders. They are still as porous as ever. We are merely replacing, at enormous cost, the cheap EU labour with more expensive labour from India and Africa.

They used racism and fear. We weren’t about to be flooded by Turks.

They used nationalism and patriotism to divide and create an us and them.

They used fear of immigration, Eastern Europeans and Muslim terrorists.

We have put billions in the pockets of greedy Tories and consigned ourselves to decades of austerity. We’ve given power to a bunch of self-serving Bullingdon boys who arrogantly treat us like fools.

They told us it would be easy without mentioning the tariffs, border checks, delays, red tape, shortages and extra costs. They told us they had ready-made trade deals. They forgot to mention all the cost-saving cooperation or easy access to the best market twenty miles away. For some reason it seemed a good idea to ship stuff to the other side of the world in preference to France.

They said they weren’t racist but they just hate foreigners.

Red, white and blue!! Red white and blue! Long live the Queen!

The folly of nationalism and patriotism once again deployed by cynical scoundrels for their own benefit.

They got the billions and the power; we pick up the bill!

Where Truss went wrong; where Sunak is going wrong, and how to put it right!

I think Truss’s strategy was simply wrong. She put all her eggs in one basket and went for growth.
She wanted to achieve that growth by
a. Giving bribes to CEOs to entice them back to Britain after Brexit drove them away.
b. To give incentives through tax cuts to the top earners to entice them back and hopefully induce some investment.
The problem she was addressing was the huge black hole created by the extreme Tory Brexit. Firms have fled to Europe, the financial centre is collapsing. our output and investment are down. Our GDP has dropped over 4%.
They will never admit that Brexit is the cause, but it is.
She was banking on growth paying for the Public Services. Brexit has meant a huge hole in our finances which means we can’t afford the public services we have.
The markets looked at this huge amount of borrowing to give tens of billions to the wealthy and did not think it would work. They did not believe the wealthy would come back and they did not believe that they would invest. All they saw was a further massive hole in the budget and a major decline in the UK.
The instant, painless, answer to this problem is to rejoin the single market and customs union. A massive boost to trade, solves the skill shortage, boosts the economy and hey presto we have growth, investment and can pay for the public services without austerity and tax hikes.
My fear is that the damage has already been done. We’ve lost the financial centre. So many companies won’t come back or are already bust.
Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster that has sent the UK into terminal decline. We’re heading to be a basket case like Greece. The longer we leave it without addressing this problem the bigger our decline and the less possibility of clawing it back. Once a firm has left they’ve left for good. Too many have gone bust. Many of the skilled workers have gone elsewhere.

Each day that passes makes the matter worse.

The GREAT Brexit Deal our buffoon negotiated!!

We are constantly being told by Johnson lackeys that he GOT ALL THE BIG CALLS RIGHT!!

What a lie!

His incompetence ended up with 179,000 deaths. His management of Covid was appalling.

HIs negotiation of Brexit was even worse. Far from having the promised Brexit dividend we have deflated the economy by 4%. It has cost us a staggering £130 billion.

Why aren’t the media pointing this out?? Why aren’t they up in arms?? It couldn’t be because they are owned by Brexiteering Tories could it??

Brexit is an unmitigated disaster. The sooner we get back in the single market and customs union the better. It is killing us!!

Oven-Ready Brexit Deal – (Previously a great deal!) – a disaster – needs renegotiating!

Frost says that the deal, negotiated in good faith by both sides and agreed by both sides, is not working!! It needs renegotiating.

We chose to leave the Customs Union and Single Market. We knew what that meant. It means customs borders. It means tariffs. It means huge cost, slower movement, a reduction in trade, job losses and increased prices. It means employing huge numbers of customs officers. It means lots of red tape. It is a storm of bureaucracy.

We chose to put a border in Northern Ireland even though we knew it would create huge problems for Ireland.

We chose this – not Europe!

We chose to make trade harder, to make it cost more and to impose checks and tariffs. We chose that.

Lord Frost says it isn’t working. We said it wouldn’t before Johnson said it was oven-ready and a great deal. But then he’s a proven liar.

It was neither oven-ready nor a great deal.

But we voted for it and we signed it.

Too late now!!

What’s to renegotiate!

The right-wing press can bleat. The government can try to blame it on Europe, but this is precisely what the right-wing extremists of the ERG were wanting. Johnson, Farage, Gove and Rees-Mogg wanted this. They lied to get it. They got Cummings on board to sell it to us.

We bought it – we brought it on ourselves.

(13) Government Wants to Restart the Whole Brexit Process – YouTube

It’s as if we are ruled by a bunch of morons who don’t understand the implications of the deal that they spent three years negotiating!

We are led by a bunch of morons.

Perhaps we should rejoin the customs union?? Perhaps the single market was a great idea after all?

What a mess.

I wonder, to the nearest 10 Billion, how much this is really costing us?