Today’s Music to keep me IiiiNnnnSssAAaaNNNnEEe – 50s R&B

I’m very partial to a dose of vintage 50s R&B. I love the energy and raw grittiness. This was the kind of stuff the 60s Beat Groups – like the Stones, Pretty Things and Yardbirds fed off!

The Mississippi Blues Trail 2008 – Bo Diddley and Robert Johnson.

In 2008 we set off to travel the length and breadth of Mississippi in search of the graves and markers of the fantastic Blues singers. In CAnton we found Bo Diddley! In Hazelhurst it was Robert Johnson,

Today’s Music to keep me SsSssSaaAAaaaNNnnnnEeeee in Isolation – Bo Diddley – Have guitar will travel

What an amazing guy. He rocked! I remember buying this album back in the sixties!! It’ll take me back!

Bo Diddley “Have Guitar, Will Travel” – Full Album – YouTube

Today’s Music to keep me SSSSsAaaaaAnnnNeEEE in Isolation – Bo Diddley

I was talking last night to my mate Mike about the mighty Bo Diddley. It filled me with a great desire to play some classic Bo. I’m going to have a Bo Diddley day!!

Bo Diddley – The Best Of Vol 2 (Full Album / Album complet) – YouTube

Today’s Music to keep me IiIinNnnSSSAAaANnnEeEE in Isolation – Bo Diddley

When I was a kid I used to have this album called Bo Diddley Big 16. It had sixteen great numbers! Bo was a staple for all the Beat groups. A real originator. One of the greatest Rock ‘n’ Rollers.

Bo Diddley – The Best Of (Full Album / Album complet) – YouTube

The Blues trail in Mississippi

All over Mississippi there are signs and monuments to the old Blues singers. We followed the trail around. It took us to all manner of places we might not ever have found.

McComb – the plaque to Bo Diddley and the street corner he used to busk on.

Hazlehurst – the monument to Robert Johnson and the place where Elmore James used to work in the electronics shop.

The USA Blues Trail – Bo Diddley and McComb

Bo Diddley used to busk on the corner in McComb. One day a car drew up, a guy leaned out and said ‘Jump in, man. I’m gonna make you a star.’

Bo Diddley was a genius – a macho, struttin’ bluesman who took that shuffle beat and made it his own. He was instrumental in Rock ‘n’ Roll and every R&B band from the UK British Boom played Bo Diddley songs – From the Stones and Yardbirds to the Animals and Prettythings.

Bo Diddley rules.

I met him in 1981 when he played in Hull. We went backstage to get albums signed and I had my picture taken with him. What a moment. He was a very friendly guy.

So when we did our Blues Trail in Mississippi and Lousianna I had to visit McComb and stand on that corner where Bo Diddley had played!

Quite a thrill.

Bo Diddley – Greatest Lover in the World – lyrics of a modest man describing his sexual abilities.

Bo Diddley – Greatest Lover in the World – lyrics of a modest man describing his sexual abilities.

boddiley2 BoDiddley

Bo Diddley was a bit of a maverick sensation. He epitomised the swagger and attitude of the hipster black dude. At a time when there was such inequality and racial hatred it was great to see Bo (short for Bad Boy) standing there with such panache and style.

He came straight out of McComb Mississippi fully formed. An ex boxer with all the attitude you could want. He was second to no one.

Some say he was a trifle self-centred. I don’t know how they could say that? His first song Bo Diddley and then Hey Bo Diddley were kind of focussed on one topic, I suppose. And then maybe Bo’s a Lumberjack and Bo’s a Gunfighter continued the theme and 500% more Man was a slight exaggeration.

When I saw him play he was certainly one of the greatest performers I’ve ever seen!

opher & Bo Diddley 1980 (1)

I don’t think this song was really sexist or misogynistic. It was just Bo boasting and having fun.

Who knows? Perhaps he was the greatest lover in the world?

I’m the Greatest Lover in the World – by Bo Diddley

I’m the greatest lover in the world
I was born just to love you, young girls
I’m the greatest lover ever seen
Hey, try me and see what I mean
I’m the first, the last, the best and the most
The women love me from coast to coast

The greatest lover ever made
I can love ya forty nights and forty days
I’m the first lover in the land
The call me a lovin’ man
I’m the first, the last, the best and the most
The women love me from coast to coast

From New York City, out to L.A.
The women think about me both night and day
From Canada to Mexico
I’m the one the women love the most

The greatest lover in the world
Born just to love you young girl
Know you can’t judge a book by it’s cover
Whoa, don’t you know I’m a nat’ral born lover?
I’m the first, the last, the best and the most
The women love me from coast to coast

< sax and instrumental>

From New York City, out to L.A.
The women think about me both night and day
Canada down to Mexico
I’m the one that the women love most

I’m the greatest lover in the world
I was born just to love these young girls
No, you can’t judge a book by it’s cover
I’m a nat’ral born lover
I’m the first, the last, the best and the most
The women love me from coast to coast

Yeah, yeah!
I’m a lover
Oh, yeah
I’m a lover.