Amnesty International – A cause worth supporting!

In their own words – ‘Amnesty International is a global movement of more than 7 million people who take injustice personally. We are campaigning for a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.’
‘Only when the last prisoner of conscience has been freed, when the last torture chamber has been closed, when the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a reality for the world’s people, will our work be done.
Peter Benenson, Amnesty International founder’ – Peter Benenson (founder)
That is something I identify with. I believe in human and animal rights and I believe that in a civilised world we should all be ascribed the same rights as laid out in the UN charter of Human Rights.
It is good to know that an organisation like Amnesty International is prepared to stand up and fight for human rights all over the world in whatever repressive regime happens to be abusing people right now.
The right not to be tortured
The right not to be imprisoned for your views
The right of freedom of speech
The right not to be discriminated against because of your religion, gender or race
The right to be treated equally
They seem pretty basic to me.
At this moment a Saudi blogger Raif Badawi is being administered 1000 lashes and imprisonment for criticising the regime.
They need our support.
Check them out here:
Check out Raif Badawi’s story
Check out the atrocities carried out by ISIS.
Look at what Amnesty do –
By acting together we can make the world better!

Pol Pot – Cambodia’s mass murderer – Security Prison 21 – Tuol Sleng – Site of torture and genocide. The Killing Fields.

There is a madness and hysteria that grips people sometimes. It turns normally pleasant ordinary people into crazed torturers capable of doing the most terrible things.

The Cambodian people were some of the most friendly I have met.

The people carrying out these tortures and killings were brutal, callous devils.

Pol Pot did not start out as a crazed evil psychopath. He was an idealistic freedom fighter.

It all has shades of ISIS, Taliban, AlQaeda, Boko Haraam and the rest.

What happened in this camp was beyond words. Pol Pot was responsible for the torture and death of one and a half million people in the Killing Fields. There were 150 killing  camps like Prison 21.


Pol Pot – a callous man, paranoid and ruthless. A psychotic despot and mass murderer.


A few of the victims

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I met Chum Mey – survivor of the camp and he signed his book for me.


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What goes on in the mind of a torturer? how can they live with what they do? How can they justify it?

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Politicians and the shady billionaires that pull their strings

The world is in a mess because the politicians make it so. They think short term and are only interested in votes. They don’t care about the planet.
The politicians are controlled by shady characters who own the billions and pull the strings.

If you want to read a gruesome book about terrorism, torture and death this might be up your street!