Brexit!! A great SUCCESS!!!

It got Boris Johnson and a bunch of far-right extremists of the ERG elected!!

It’s doing everything they said it would do!

We’ve wrested back control!!

We’ve made billions! (Well some of us have!)

It may be costing us £37 billion a year, wrecked trade, caused price rises, not stopped immigrants, turned motorways into lorry parks, made it expensive to go abroad, cost a fortune and driven out loads of doctors, nurses, pickers, carers, drivers and the rest, but it’s put billions into the Cayman Islands!!

Was this the oven-ready great deal they promised us?? Or was it just a mess cobbled together to get Johnson and the ERG elected??

Tory heartlessness displayed!

The immigration problem is deep and complex. It is a tale of human tragedy created out of war, gross inequality, toxic religion, colonialism, global warming, corruption and greed.

There are no simple answers.

It has been exacerbated by Brexit.

We obviously have to severely limit the number coming into our small country. We cannot take in all the world’s disadvantaged but………………….

To produce a cruel, heartless, nasty, expensive process that strips people of all their human rights and dignity, that is punitive and dreadful and merely designed to act as a deterrent to others is inhumane and simply WRONG!!

To have a bully of a woman, herself descended from immigrants, to implement such a scheme is typical of Tories. These people see nothing wrong in bullying or nastiness. They are raised to be superior and arrogant and look down on others. It is as if the ‘lower classes’ exist to be exploited, abused and ignored. They deserve all that comes their way. They have no empathy or compassion.

These refugees are a nuisance. They need to be treated harshly. There is an element of revenge. How dare they!!

Poetry – Jumping Ship

Jumping Ship

The jaguars and minis are rusting in the park.

The money drained away as the country lost its spark.

Company after company is busy jumping ship.

Like rats busy fleeing from the coming dip.

The gateway to Europe is being slammed shut.

Wages will tumble as cut follows cut.

Cutting off our noses, shooting off our feet

As Boris and Mogg lay the seeds of our defeat.

Madness and nationalism rules all their minds

As wheels of more bureaucracy relentlessly grinds.

Opher 19.8.2018

There was always a mad nationalistic rump of the Tory Party who were busy flirting with fascism. Nobody thought they would ever gain ascendancy and actually take over. But they have.

Tories are bad enough but these ideological monsters, harking back to fairy-tale days of empire, are the pits.

They are dragging us down to an impoverished future.

Already companies are heading off to Europe. The wealth is draining away.

Poetry – Crazy Lemmings

I wrote this four years ago. I was right. Brexit and Johnson have been the disasters I predicted. What a mess our country is in!! He used xenophobia, division, fear, racism and hate. Sadly he won!

Crazy Lemmings

Crazy lemmings leaping off of cliffs.

Of common sense hardly a whiff!

Fuelled on fear, lies and hate

They’d rather drown than open the gate!

Opher – 17.8.2018

England used to be a friendly place always willing to extend the helping hand. Islamophobia and racism has been deployed by politicians eager to gain power and influence. It has unleashed a wave of fear and hate that resulted in us going for Brexit and cutting off our own noses!

Brexit has made Britain poorer already and will make us a lot poorer yet. It has made us mean-spirited and filled us with hate and fear.

Instead of solving problems we have created more of our own!!

I dislike Islam intensely. I think it is an intolerant religion.

I think we have had too much immigration too quickly.

I don’t think Brexit will help.

I do not believe that our 4.8% of Muslims are going to take over and impose sharia law on us. I do not believe they are all terrorists or rapists.

Instead of Brexit we should be focusing on integrating them so they do not become extremists. In time they will become secular.

I want to move about freely without restriction. I think there are much better ways for the EU to sort out this mass migration problem without resorting to Brexit.

Brexit will only serve to make us poorer, less powerful and peripheral.

What a stupid response – talk about lemmings jumping off cliffs!! The extreme right-wing have set an agenda that is madness!

Poetry – Change will Come!!

Change will Come!!

I smell it on the breeze –

The changing of the guard!

A new age hanging on the wind,

Soaring on the thermals,

Swooping to infect us with its hope!!

Can’t you smell it?

An age of compassion! An age of care!!

It is galloping down the valleys,

Thundering across the plains,

Rampaging through the cities,

Sweeping all before it!

It is sweeping away the canker,

Washing faeces out of minds,

Driving away the aroma of greed,

Smashing the icons of selfishness,

Striding forward with a tsunami of hope!

Like a hammer!

Like a bomb!

Like a nuclear burst!

Like a galactic explosion!

It roars in our minds.

It is the force of change!!

The force of change!!

Nothing can resist!!

It has woken minds from their slumber!

It has unleashed a dragon!

It has opened the door to the magic within!

It is screaming equality!

It is shouting for fairness!

It is blaring love!

It is yelling for change!

It is signalling hope!!

It is pointing to a new future!

A new deal with nature!

A new beginning!

Change will come!!

Change will cleanse us of populist hypocrisy!

Change brings new hope!

We’re building the future!

We’re building a better world

Change will come!!

Change will come!!

Opher – 8.6.2020

I can smell the change – the end of populism! Trump, Johnson and Bolsonaro are on their way out!

Their lies, racism, ineptitude, division, fear and hate is going to be replaced by a new age of reasoned thought, compassion, empathy, tolerance and love.

The zeitgeist is changing!!

Hope has been born.

Trump and Johnson will soon be history.

Boris Johnson stupidly compares voting Brexit similar to fighting in Ukraine!

The man is a twerp.

This idiot was busy raising money from Putin’s Russian oligarchs instead of sorting Britain’s response to the Ukraine invasion. He never gets his priorities right:

Johnson before Tory Party and Country.

Tory Party before Country.