How the Sci-fi novel ‘The Pornography Wars’ came about.

How the Sci-fi novel ‘The Pornography Wars’ came about.

 Opher The Pornography Wars May 9, 2021

How the novel ‘The Pornography Wars’ came about.

A novel involves bringing together a number of ideas. Usually one idea starts the ball rolling. That then provokes a series of other ideas and presents challenges with all manner of problems that require solving.

Here’s a little taste of how this developed:

  1. I had the idea of writing a novel where the whole of human history was a film set run by aliens for their own entertainment.
  2. I decided it would not be a film but a rather tacky soap opera.
  3. I then decided that it had to be a pornographic soap opera. I liked the idea of human history being nothing more than a sleazy porno soap for aliens.
  4. I had to create my aliens. They had to be designed to be far more efficient biologically that humans. I used my biological background to design a perfect body.
  5. They had to be very sexual because they enjoyed these porno soaps.
  6. They had to be very technologically advance to be able to control humans and develop this enormous film set. Hence psych control, nanotechnology, instant space travel with jumptubes, droptubes and A/I.
  7. They had to be creative.
  8. Their sexuality had to be extreme.
  9. I wanted the drama in the humans so I introduced the element of a human who was breaking free of the alien psych control.
  10. I wanted drama in the aliens so created a group who wanted to clean up the tridee networks and remove the decadent sexual content.
  11. I now had a setting, characters and drama to knit together into a story.
  12. I had an ending.

As with all novels the characters take off and things change as they go along. It comes to life in unpredictable ways.

A Selection of Reviews for my books in the UK – Starturn – Intergalactic Rock Star – A Sci-Fi novel.

This brings together two of my great loves – Sci-Fi and Rock Music in a futuristic world of upheaval.

David Volek

23 December 2017

Format: Kindle Edition
I can’t recall how many science fiction novels I’ve started reading and really couldn’t understand the first 10 to 20 pages. So I often went back to reread those pages to get a better handle of the characters and setting. Then I could then read the rest of the novel and enjoy the story. When I read Opher Goodwin’s “Star Turn,” I think I finally figured out what separates the good writers from the great writers: great writers don’t make their readers reread. I did not have to reread anything in Star Turn.

I should say that this is no easy feat. Star Turn has about 40 characters who are there from start to finish, with maybe another 60 characters playing bit roles. And then there are about five story arcs in this novel, all intersecting with each other here and there. I managed to keep track of all these characters and arcs without any re-reading. I give full credit to the author in bringing us a well-crafted story.

The main character of Star Turn is Marc Grabchick, a rising rock star in a galactic empire that is in the early stages of a revolution. His music is connecting with the youth who want a better galaxy. While Marc claims to be no politician, there are forces pushing Marc to lead the youth. This youth movement becomes known as the Freaks—and are they ever rebelling against the known order. In essence, Star Turn is about a futuristic hippie movement, and it’s not hard to see more than a few analogies and allusions to the 1960s on Earth.

To counter the Freaks in this story are the Politicians (my word, not Opher’s), who in control of the Empire. The Politicians are ostensibly about keeping civil order and creating a better society, but Opher paints them as individuals maneuvering to increase their own power base in the Empire. They care little for the people they govern.

While Opher introduces us to some new technology and interesting aliens, more of the author’s effort is expended on the sciences of psychology, sociology, and political science—very similar to how Isaac Asimov constructed his Robot & Foundation series.

One thing that Opher does better than Asimov is how he puts more emotion into the various scenes. For me, the most vivid scene was the time a mafia thug silently broke into the bedroom of Marc’s bandmate Aggie. In the darkness, Aggie could only sense the presence of the thug as the thug watched her. Not only did I feel Aggie’s fear, I could feel the sense of power the thug had over Aggie. Then “darkness moved in darkness,” and I could feel the punches and kicks and slams into the wall as Aggie was beaten up.

Another interesting aspect of Star is how it can be read at different levels. I can imagine myself under a tree on a hot summer day with a cool drink at my side, spending a few hours with an entertaining and easy read—and I just might learn something about my own world. Or I can see Star Turn being taken to a book club where it can spawn many philosophical discussions about our world and times. For example, Opher paints Marc and the Freaks as driven by sex and mind-altering substances, which left this reader wondering whether their vision of their galaxy as something that could actually be implemented. Yet when readers see the motivations of the Politicians, they too have their own version of hedonism (acquiring power and influence) that puts their judgement into question. In essence, neither group is capable of good governance (in my opinion).

I’ve only read one book by Opher. I will be reading more. This writer deserves more popularity.


12 September 2014

Format: Paperback
If you like rock music and Sci fi you will love this.

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Zero to Infinity – 400 page Sci-fi epic – first rewrite now complete.

he mammoth task of rewriting my Sci-fi epic has been completed. I wrote this back in 1976. It was my second book. It has existed for forty years as a typed manuscript. It was with great trepidation that I set about rewriting it. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I couldn’t remember much about writing it.

My first book (in two volumes) was a rambling 60s thing. Full of poems, cartoons and insane sketches. I poured all my weirdness into it and discovered that it was virtually unreadable by anybody else.

Undaunted I set about writing a proper book with a plot. This was it.

It has stuck around as two big thick manuscripts. I finally plucked up the courage to type it up. As I am a one-finger typist. This is quite an effort. It was even more so when some of the plotting was crap and the writing was so up and down. I had to completely revamp and work at the writing.

UI was surprised with what came out of the end. It’s full of weird, mystical stuff that I wouldn’t have put in these days but I liked the ideas.

I will now let it settle and then do a second rewrite.