Music to Keep me Sane in Isolation – John Lennon

I grew up with the Beatles. They are the soundtrack to my youth. I grew with them as they went from a Beat group into an experimental band, a radical part of the 60s Underground.

I too developed that social and political perspective that came out of the sixties.

Lennon left the Beatles and tried his hardest to use his celebrity to work for social change. He was involved with politics and particularly the antiwar movement. He used bag-ins, bed-ins, acorns and music to focus the media and put out his message. It was greatly misunderstood.

There were two fabulous albums and then it was as if he ran out of steam and the idealism waned. Perhaps he realised that the establishment was not affected by all this protest. They had their own agenda.

So today I will play those first two albums and think about what might have been!!

I like that Angry Lennon best!!!