Today’s Music to keep me sanEEEEEEEE in Isolation – Eddie Cochran

When I was ten I was introduced to Buddy Holly by an older friend. He sold me all his Buddy Holly singles. It hooked me on Rock ‘n’ Roll. From the age of ten, I was a Rocker.

My next major discovery was Little Richard. I was besotted. Then my mate Hat had this Eddie Cochran album – The Memorial Album. I was knocked out by Something Else, Summertime Blues and Come On Everybody. I just loved that guitar sound!!

Today’s Music to Cheer me up in Isolation – Eddie Cochran

I fell in love with Eddie (or at least his music) when I first heard him sing those great songs – Something Else, C’mon Everybody and Summertime Blues. I was about twelve at the time and I liked stuff that rocked. Eddie rocked for me.

Here’s a rare clip.

What a loss!! He’d only been going a short while. Just think what we might have had with twenty years of Eddie! He really could play that guitar and had a distinctive style.

But Eddie is Something Else.

I’ll be playing him loud all day!! Rock it Eddie!!