16 thoughts on “The accumulated wisdom of Donald Trump

      1. It is worse than our Bexit campaign. I think politics is reaching an all-time low. The lies, deceit and vilification is repulsive. They are using the people as pawns. We are being pulled apart for their own ends. Afterwards all that hatred, fear and paranoia they’ve stoked up will come out. This move to discredit the election is going to feed into that. It’s plain nasty. Bad candidates – bad system – bad feelings.

      2. What when you are saying you prefer “Clinton”, or was that taken the wrong way too! We are OUT of Europe, or does Democracy not stand for anything in this Country of ours that you see fit to run down all the time, try being more Patriotic.

      3. But Anna I do greatly prefer Clinton. She’s a poor candidate but better than Trump in my opinion. That is what I have always said.
        I’m not running the country down. I want it to improve not worsen.
        I care nothing for patriotism. The establishment runs this place. I fight for vales not some nationalistic sloganizing.
        The country has voted out – more’s the pity. It will create a far worse country in my opinion. But while they voted out they did not vote for how we go out. That should be decided by parliament – that is democracy. Sovereignty was one of the things voted for – not tyranny. I think you are missing the point.

  1. I am n otmissing the point, don’t treat me like a fool. Hypoicrisy that one you like CXlinton, then you don’;t then you think she is good, then she is better than Trump, but you still don’t like her. You do appear to have a convenient memory. Deart me, I really sahould feel ashamed of myself for feeling Patriotic, why don’t you say the same to Americans/Australians they are so wrong in their feelings for their C

    1. All patriotism is detrimental. That nationalistic crap is plain daft. I don’t care which country it comes from. We are one species, one planet, all equal. It’s time we started thinking to help all our fellow humans. I have people from all over the world on my blog. They are all equally welcome. I don’t rate English people over Americans, Australians, Africans, South Americans, Chinese or whatever. All equally valued.
      I think Britain is great because the people have fought for their rights and created a fairer society from their struggles. I want everyone to have those rights and more.
      Read back through my posts Anna. I repeatedly say that Clinton is far from perfect but better than him. Trump is a serial abuser, arrogant con man and populist who peddles hate, division and fear in my opinion. I much prefer Hilary.

    2. Apologies for the above I keep hitting keys that send it all before I have corrected all I typed or finished. I am not missing the point don’t treat me like a fool.. Such hypocrisy that one moment you like Clinton then you don’t, then she is better than Trump, then she is as bad as him, but you still like her – confused? If we are to believe all that Clinton, the pair of them, say about Trump (misogynist/bigot/racist/homophobe/liar/crook) then why on earth should people trust Clinton someone who happily attended his recent Wedding. Trump’s opinions are well known, we have always known what he is like since the early 80’s. Have you conveniently forgotten how Clinton enjoyed sharing the comments with Trump on the Golf Course, about Women. Bill Clinton the man who could never keep his penis in his pants in the White House/Governor’s Mansion and everywhere else, dare say the wife wins and Bill will be enjoying himself all over again.
      I really should feel ashamed of myself for feeling patriotic about my Country, I take it then the Americans/Australians/New Zealanders etc etc are wrong to feel patriotic or is it just me and this Country. I asked you the other day if there is so much wrong with the Country and you dislike it as much as you do, why do you stay here, why don’t you live somewhere else – no answer from you. I am still waiting for the answer “are you a Member of the Labour Party”, you choose not to answer. “I fight for vales” do you mean Values because quite honestly you fight for nothing you are as Trump put it “Words, words, words”. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry for according to you I am now part of “a tyranny”, there is me thinking I had the Freedom that Men and Women have Died to give us, my late Husband fought the Japanese in Burma, the Freedom to cast my Vote, in a democracy where we should all work together for the good of the Country, not make it out as you do “as a Country that is finished and would only survive under the likes of Corbyn who wanted OUT OF EUROPE but reluctantly campaigned, if thats what you call it to Stay In. Sorry Opher, but I will stand up for this Country and I will be proud of this Country, and I most certainly am not ashamed to do so or say so.

      1. I can’t understand this point of view. What Bill Clinton did is immaterial to anything to do with Hilary. I bet she was equally pissed off, if not more so. But she, after who knows what, decided to stay with him. What goes on in relationships is between them. But to suggest that his misdeamours reflect on her doesn’t ring true.
        I don’t dislike the country. I am not a patriot.
        I fight for my values throughout my life. Not words – actions. I have not put myself in advantageous situations because of my values. I do this blog and receive abuse to say what I think and try to make a positive difference.
        It seems to me that you have decided that because of my views on Brexit, Patriotism and Trump that you no longer like me. Fine – that’s your choice. That doesn’t alter how I feel. I tell you how I feel honestly. I’ll give you what advice and help I can and I value our relationship on this web. It’s not me attacking you. A lot of your views I find at odds with mine. I disagree wholeheartedly with some. But that’s life. You’re entitled to them. When you said you were going to vote Brexit I didn’t go ape-shit at you and tell you all sorts of nasty things. I left you to vote how you felt. It’s is you getting personal.
        I am not a hypocrite – you should read more carefully. I have fully accepted that Hilary is not a brilliant choice. I repeated say she only looks good because Trump is such a nasty piece of work. That’s my view.

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