FBI spurs ‘total chaos’ in election’s final days | TheHill

It is incredible the way the FBI have waded in with a deliberate partisan attack.
What is more incredible is to read the abusive rhetoric between the two camps. They are so entrenched it is impossible to see any logic prevailing.
If it turned out that Trump rapes babies or Hilary stole all the gold out of Fort Knox it wouldn’t make any different to these people. They have their blinkers on.
It is a question of which of the two is the most repugnant. For me, among all the exaggeration and lies, Trump is by far the most obnoxious.

American Irrationalism

I find it quite scary what these rich people get away with. They pay less tax than me and I’m a pensioner!
To deny what is happening to the environment is not just madness it is unforgiveable. That, if nothing else, makes Trump unelectable.