The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!

I believe there is truth. It might not be absolute but it is near enough.
Science has brought us an amazing advancement in technology that has altered the world and transformed our lives. Some of that is for the best and some of that is far worse. Mostly it has improved.
We are always very keen to seize the fruits of this work – transport, energy, computers, medicine, materials, gadgets……… but we are keen to bash scientists and experts if they are not one hundred percent certain.
We have gone from the horse and cart and oil lanterns to nuclear fusion and space stations in no time at all.
So we will place our trust in the latest jet-liner but will reject evolution. We will try the latest cancer drug treatment but deny climate change.

And science is still in its infancy.

The truth? What is that? It has many levels. Is it a factual concept of what has occurred, how it has occurred and how that operates?
That is what we are investigating. We are in the infancy of science. We have understood so much so quickly. We still have a lot to learn. But we have made great progress. Scientists and experts have a pretty good handle on what is going on – far better than any of the ‘public’ or politicians.

I contend that Social Cohesion is much more important than the careers of politicians.

We need to put an end to this politicisation of information – both the perversion of science and the constant crying of Fake News and Project Fear. It is tearing apart the fabric of society.

Populism is destroying cohesion. It is tearing our societies apart and playing into the hands of those who want us to fall.
It’s time we put more faith into scientists and experts. They do not all talk rubbish.
Species extinction is real.
Climate change is real.
Evolution is real.
Brexit will badly damage our country.
Trump is actively causing division and hatred.

A healthy scepticism is one thing. Total rejection of all the evidence is something else. We are throwing the baby out with the bath water and allowing the religious lunatics and political extremists to spout their stupidity unopposed.
Look at the lunatics that are raising their heads with their fundamentalist claptrap!

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

We want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – and that is precisely the problem. In this post-truth era we are all in denial of the truth as presented to us by experts, the media and politicians. We don’t believe any of it. Hence we go to sites we think we can trust because they peddle the bias we want to believe in. We choose the truth we want to believe.

It is far from the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth; it is a version peddled to satisfy our tribal positions, to exaggerate, give bias and inflame. It undermines the truth.

None of us are good judges of who to believe. We are all being manipulated by someone. Those who believe otherwise are fools.
This is the post-truth era. There is no truth and our own judgement is highly suspect.

This lack of belief in experts, scientists, the media and politicians is very destabilising. The belief in truth is what binds society together. Without it we have anarchy. Anarchy is not good. It is a place where the rich, powerful and biggest bullies exploit everyone else with impunity in all manner of ways.

How do we get back to believing that these people are spouting truth?

People like Trump are busy undermining the truth and our institutions and spreading their own version of truth for their own reasons (Power and Wealth). If this continues then the fabric of our society falls apart. The cement is gone and the fiction breaks down. There is no unifying force.

The current division and tribal hatred is a result of this tear in the fabric of society. The unifying fiction is dissolving. God, King (the President) and Country no longer holds everyone together. We’re divided. Too few people believe in that fiction anymore. We think we’re being lied to and exploited.

The holocaust, Jews, Trump, climate change, 9/11, Brexit, education, extinction rate, overpopulation, the UN, NATO,  – we choose what we believe on political tribal grounds and gather the stats to back up our own view. We do not trust the experts, the politicians or the media. We even reject history. Instead it is superstition, intuition and our flawed judgement that is brought to bear.

How do we reclaim the truth before disaster hits?