Moving house – the saga!

Well we are in our new house.

We arrived without internet or phone and discovered our cell phone doesn’t work here either. Sod’s law. Our TV didn’t work, radiators weren’t on upstairs and we had the coldest day of the year.

With a thousand people to contact it was all very difficult and predictable. I read the glossy pamphlet from BT assuring a painless seamless conversion.

We have been unpacking, investigating, constructing beds, moving furniture, putting down carpets, finding how things work and trying to contact people. Things don’t fit. The layout is different. Some places are too big and others too small. Gradually we are finding places for things.

The line fault was rectified giving us telephone and internet. Beds are all built, lots of boxes unpacked, heating partially on, and there is still a long, long way to go.

But the change has happened. In a week or two we will hit a new normality!! We hope!!

Moving house – the final phase!

After having moved half a ton of vinyl, 3 tons of books, 5 tons of CDs, and most of the furniture we now come to the last phase – on Monday we have removal men coming to take our beds, TV, computer, kitchen table and settee.

I will walk around the house and relive memories from the last thirty years – memories of our children growing up, of friends, laughter, argument, fury and love. Friends, now dead, have sat within this house and I will taste their presence and think of them. Those memories are already packed inside my head but I think that they permeate the fabric of the building and something of us will remain behind to resonate within those walls.

This house has stood for three hundred years and we have left our mark on it. We have altered the infrastructure, improved the building, put up an extension and changed it for the better. Yet, even though we have spent nearly half our lives here, we were only passing through.

I look upon the bigger picture. It is the same with the planet. We are only passing through. Do we leave the world a better place from the experience of our lives? Or do we leave it the poorer?

I am going on into a new chapter of life next week. I shall leave much behind but ahead there is a new adventure. That is where I go with great enthusiasm. Life is change. It will change me – hopefully for the better!

I am under no delusions. There will be many things I miss and are saddened by.

I may be out of contact for a while. In my experience promises are rarely met. I do not expect the internet to work. I expect a period of time in which I will need to remonstrate with a lot of people to get things working properly.

I look forward to talking to you in the future from a new life!! Fare thee well!


Moving House!!!

For the past two weeks we have been moving house. Each day we have been packing boxes and taking them in the car to the new house. We have two guys and a van who are moving our big stuff. We have had two days with them.

Our old house is empty now. The rooms echo. We have our bed, a small table and two chairs and a settee. It is very sad.

We have lived here for thirty years and brought our kids up here.

On Monday we have the last big move day and we will be gone.

We will return to clean the empty house and touch up the paint to make it look nice for the next owners. We hope they will enjoy it as much as we did.

The new house is different. There will be new challenges, neighbours and new friends. It will be a new start. It is exciting.

I’ve just walked round the old house. It’s full of memories. It is three hundred years old. Soon we will be gone from here. We were just passing through.

Away Moving House!! What an experience!

We are in the process of moving house!! It is exhausting, stressful and very time consuming. Hence I have not been posting much.

I get to relax every now and again between trips to the new house. I sit here and type. Everything is on hold. I have hundreds of emails to answer and no time to do posts or continue my writing. Life is on hold.

Apologies to anyone I don’t get round to responding too. Apologies to anyone who gets a short-tempered retort! Stress levels are high!

We are very fortunate to have a three week window in which to get moved. Removal men (two guys and a Luton van, are arriving every Wednesday. In between it is packing and running back and forth. I ache.

On a positive side it is great going through all my books, LPs and CDs. It is like rediscovering old friends. There is so much that we have accumulated in thirty years at this place.

It is sad to be leaving this old house. We’ve loved living here. But the future calls and change is necessary. We’re ready for it.

It will be a new life!