It’s time we learnt from our history!!

I’m always angered by what I see in our history. The wealthy lived in such ridiculous extravagance in stately homes with droves of servants, huge gardens, banquets, coaches and clothes and jewellery and a lavish lifestyle that was unbelievable. The people who produced that wealth were the slaves out on the plantations and the poor factory workers and miners who were crammed into the slums, who worked fourteen hours a day for a pittance, who worked in terrible dangerous conditions, who lived in extreme poverty, disease and destitution.

It was only the work of the abolitionists, socialists, suffragettes and trade unions who fought for justice and fairness who screwed compromise out of the capitalists. They rightly improved the conditions of the working people, improved salaries, introduced the welfare state and brought in environmental legislation for the good of us all.

As the wealth of the nation has increased those gains have been eroded, the inequality has increased, the trade unions have been emasculated and workers conditions and pay have been diminished.

It is time we moved back to a real socialist agenda to bring back more fairness and justice for ordinary people.

21 thoughts on “It’s time we learnt from our history!!

  1. I am so glad I came across your blog 🙂 Looking forward to being informed about more of the historical events as they happened and not how it is now portrayed it happened.

  2. The fight for equality and freedom must be fought continuously, or at least periodically, every decade or two. Never give up!

    1. That is so true. The moment you relax they take away your freedoms and screw more money out of you. The Tories have been doing it ever since they were formed. It is their raison d’etre.

    1. Hi Cheryl – no I haven’t read that. I’ve been recommended it a few times. I must seek it out. Thanks for reminding me.

      1. I’m afraid it’s too late for that for both of us! (rolls eyes) Though I did spend the last two days rearranging my kitchen cupboards to put everything I need down low so I don’t have to keep asking for the men folk to get stuff for me. Does that count? Threw a lot of stuff away and set some aside for donations to the Boys and Girls Clubs of American while I was at it.

      2. Cheryl I’m sorting out my vinyl record collection and getting it in order. I’ve already got over a thousand albums to dispense with.

      3. I will sell some, swap some and give the rest to charity. Parting is such sweet sorrow. It has been great going through all my albums and reacquainting myself with long lost friends, discovering new friends and deciding who I no longer love.

      4. There are times when my taste changes – usually with a band that was marginal to start with. I decide they aren’t as good as I used to think.

  3. Are you selling any decent 60s/70s Soul albums? I still buy the occasional one. What about Pesky Gee? Do you have one for sale?

    1. I don’t think so Bede. I have all manner of albums. Apart from the ones I bought off you, that were just cluttering up my room until I sorted them, a number of which I have decided to dispense with, I have a number of duplicates and stuff that I no longer find appealing. That makes for about a thousand. I don’t think there are any soul among them because I tend to hang on to that – unless you count the Temptations as Soul.
      Neither do I fortunately have any Pesky Gee.

  4. I’m thinking more female soul like Sugar Pie De Santo or Curtis Mayfield. I have all his stuff on cd but not much vinyl. I’ve just bought a Babe Huey album. Temptations are ok but I have most of their stuff. Did you buy Motown’s greatest hits from me or did my son nick that? You need to invest in some decent hardward instead of that 2nd rate system you have.

    1. No Bede I don’t really go in for that type of Soul. I like the Atlantic – Otis Redding, Aretha Franklin, Wilson Pickett, Sam and Dave, Booker T and Albert King. I’ll look out for stuff while I’m around. If I find any I’ll let you know.
      Yes, you’re right. I need a really good deck. My speakers are OK but the deck is shit.

  5. I offered you a top of the range deck some time ago and you rejected it, saying your deck was fine. What speakers do you have? What’s their output? I have Linn speakers but maybe they are on the expensive side for your tight pocket!! I still have a spare quality deck in a mahogany surround. I use a Michel Synco bought about 30 years ago. Top quality but very expensive – £1800 when new but the equivalent is much more expensive now. Try to find a used example. You can’t take your bank account with you when you go!!

    1. I think my speakers are celestions. They’re pretty good. It’s my deck that is poor. It’s an old sony. What’s the deck that you have on offer?

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