Mayhem and Madness in the Tory Political arena.

The hurricane is still roaring through, the battle has raged, and the wounded are dragging their broken bodies off the field. That field is now strewn with the corpses as assassinations, toxic emails, political manoeuvring and ruthless callous knifings have ravaged careers.

Cameron heads off, singing, towards his chosen future with hopes of having Johnson, Gove and IDS’s knives painlessly removed from his back. Osborn licks his wounds and looks to realign himself after his coronation was tantalisingly ripped from his grasp. Boris still has Gove’s sword sticking out of his chest and by leaving the field has opened himself up to jeers of cowardice and duplicity. Gove has been revealed as the snivelling weasel he has always been and has more knives in him than a porcupine has spines. Leadsom is left reeling from the vitriol poured upon her as the full force of Tory bullying was brought to bear.

We now hear that Jaws signature tune playing as the extreme right-wing sharks circle the corpse and Fox, IDS, Hunt and Davies look to exploit the chaos and set their own unpleasant agendas.

Meanwhile, like an escapee from Narnia, the Ice-Queen – the Queen of May, presides over the boiling hatred and division.

Who could have written this? The House of Cards did not begin to touch on the political intrigue and viciousness. This has been the House of Tarot Cards where Death – Major Arcana – rules.

I predict more blood is yet to flow. We haven’t even started on the economic fall-out – the coming recession – or the havoc of EU withdrawal. The hatred will likely become white hot and the incandescence will scorch many more yet. It may well take generations to seal rifts created by such deep wounds and levels of betrayal and extreme nastiness.

The Nasty Party has sure lived up to its epithet; it’s nastiness has only been exceeded by it’s folly.

Has anyone been thinking about the future of the country?

4 thoughts on “Mayhem and Madness in the Tory Political arena.

  1. Ha ha, well-constructed hyperbole. If you recall, I said many months ago that May would become Conservative leader although I didn’t expect it to be so soon. Things will not change much. Like a seer from the past you are trying to predict the end of the world as we know it. Have you noticed the FTSE is up, the pound is up and fuel prices are cheaper than any developed member of the EU? Worry about the “party” you support. Jeremy, who has tunnel vision where pragmatic leadership is concerned, has taken his small band of followers into a corner for the final conflict. Will the Corbynistas deliver a death blow to the party of Keir Hardie, Clem Attlee, Aneurin Bevan et al? Who will strike the fatal blow – Corbyn or McCluskey? Will the Eagle soar above the carnage?

    1. Perhaps not an eagle but a mighty phoenix to rise out of the ashes to give succour to a ravaged land?

  2. “This has been the House of Tarot Cards where Death – Major Arcana – rules.” 😀 I find that very amusing given my current story hobby. I don’t know what all is going on over there, but you certainly seem to have a clear perspective on things. (Next six cards — after having the King tell her she has to learn to love others unconditionally, our Seeker is about to get schooled in the area of hypocrisy — at lease just from looking at the next six cards that appears to be what’s happening. We’ll see! LOL)

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