Gone Gone Gone (A pair of useless nincompoops!)

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

This is their swan song

For lying and all they’ve done wrong

Two populist conmen – the short and the long

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

Trump will have his walls

                With arrows and stripes

Caught with boxes of secrets

                Tantrums, witch-hunts and gripes.

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

Johnson pays for his lazy lies

                Spitting out his dummy

Everybody’s picking on him

                Baby wants his mummy.

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

A pair of selfish wankers

                Populist twats, greedy elite

Narcissistic arrogance

                Listen to them bleat!

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

Gone Gone Gone

So long!

Opher – 9.6.2023

Well Trump had them all chanting ‘Lock Her Up’ for just using her own phone for government business. He called her a crook but she didn’t take boxes of Top Secret material home and litter it around her house. She didn’t share documents about nuclear secrets – showing off to her friends.

There’s only one crook and he needs locking up. He’s a traitor who put nations at risk.

Johnson chose Brexit in order to get to be Prime Minister and then was too lazy and stupid to do anything properly. He broke the law with impunity and regularity. A narcissistic fool. Roughing his hair up to play the clown to appeal to morons.

He too broke the law and then cried witch hunt like a big baby.

Both of them have caused immense damage. Both need locking up for the wrong they’ve done.

Historians will look back at this pair and shake their heads. The only more incompetent candidates could just have been Dan Quayle or Andy Pandy.

The end of the Post-Truth era? A Return to sanity?

Bolsonaro, Johnson and Trump – three lying conmen kicked out of office!

Now let’s clean the world up!

Poetry – Catalyst for Division

Catalyst for Division

There’s a catalyst for division

And he’s coming after us.

He’s spreading hate and racism

To throw us off the bus.

He’s gathering his army

They’re taking to the street.

Toting their assault rifles

Jackbooting their feet.

He’s a catalyst for hatred

Enjoying when people cower,

Wallowing in his wealth,

Loving all the power.

He’s spreading all his fake news –

A propaganda machine.

Spreading lies and put-downs,

Talking sly and mean.

He’s a catalyst for confusion,

Making people fear.

Spreading doubt like manure

So that nothing is quite clear.

He’s empowering the racists

And stirring the pot.

He wants to get elected

Giving it all he’s got.

He’s a catalyst for violence,

Orchestrating his thugs.

Treating the people

Like a bunch of mugs.

He’s building walls in minds

As well as on the ground.

Where-ever he goes

The lies they do abound.

We know what he’s about!

Time to boot him out!

Thank heavens he’s gone!! He’s been empowering the most obnoxious groups of racist thugs and white supremacists. He has been actively promoting division, inciting his base and relishing the extreme responses he is eliciting.

The man is a master at creating fanatical sycophants. They believe every lie the man has spouted – and that’s a lot of lies.

I don’t think anyone has ever done more harm to the environment, science, rational thought, the stability of society or America’s standing in the world.

Good Riddance Trump!! You stink!!

Opher – 26.9.2020

The Preface for my 15th book of poetry: Dark Matter For Dark Ages


I have been writing these poems through a very dark period of our time. Our world is in crisis.

It is interesting for me to look back through these poems. Some are humorous, some were written in despair or fury, and then others were written with a feeling of blissful wonder. It is interesting for me to see how my mood changes.

Sometimes I am ashamed to be human, sometimes I am ashamed to be British and then something happens that fills me with hope and optimism and my faith is restored. We are a species of two distinct sides. No wonder so many books have dwelt upon our duality.

Out of this gloom of populist lies, fascist leanings, global crisis and mass extermination, hopefully there will be a new dawn and we’ll give full rein to the better side of our nature.

I do hope so.

Opher 4.11.2019

Poetry – The Establishment

The Establishment

The establishment is in control

With Johnson at the helm

Feeding us enough trivia

With which to overwhelm.

Pop muzac and strictly,

Soaps and the latest fashion;

Enough to stop you thinking

Led by influencers lacking passion.

Our heroes have deserted us

For a bit-part in the game.

Wallowing in their mansions

Without a hint of shame.

With shouts of street fighting,

And won’t get fooled again,

They took us to the cleaners

And don’t feel any pain.

The revolution faded quickly –

Always the minority.

They packed away their costumes

And all went home for tea.

The times that we once fought for

Lie blowing in the wind.

Sold back to us with interest

And all its ideals binned.

The establishment has a firm grip,

Distraction is their ploy.

They keep the masses mindless.

Their world is just a toy.

From the brilliance of sharing,

The joys outside the machine

To the callous, selfish self-centredness

Of billionaire Trump the obscene!!

The establishment is back in charge

Wielding conspiracy and lies.

Stifling the opposition

Gagging all the wise.

The sheep are in a stupor,

Propaganda has them hooked.

As long as they are narcotised

It can all be overlooked.


I was thinking about the sixties rebellion, the optimism, sharing and love. We were after building a world more caring.

We made the mistake of placing our ideals in the hands of musicians – never the most intelligent or wise.

We were naïve and idealistic and easy meat. They bought us off and sold us.

They were rattled but now they’re firmly in control.

Women’s rights, the environment, civil rights and equality. Respect, peace and love.

All empty words.

The sixties is now Carnaby Street, fashion and psuedohippies.

Anna Soubry – This is not the Tory Party – This is the Trumpian style Brexit Party!!

Anna Soubry, a former Tory Minister and not one of my favourite people in the world last night, on Newsnight, summed up my feelings about this bunch of Populist extremists.

This is not the Tory Party as we all knew it (obnoxious as they always were); this is something much worse.

This is a Populist government based on Trumpian principles.

This is the Brexit Party under another guise. The ERG are a bunch of extreme nationalists and Johnson, the clowning buffoon, is really a devious self-serving opportunist.

They are using the same tactics as Trump – appeal to the worst aspects of the working classes – their xenophobia and racism; stoke it up with phony patriotism and bring out the most extreme nationalism. Like Trump – divide and conquer!

Hear what Soubry had to say about this bunch of extremists in the Express of all places:

Anna Soubry brands Conservatives the Brexit Party – accuses ‘Trumpian-type style’ | Politics | News | Express.co.uk

Has the tide turned?? Are people beginning to wake up to the danger posed by these incompetent over-privileged extremists?

Are papers like the Express going to turn against them??


Three of my Core Values – Number 1 – the truth.

I am reading this book by Yuval Noah Harari at the moment. He really makes you think about things – such a great writer. One of the things he made me think about was what were my core vales.

I selected three:

  1. Truth

I believe in truth. That means I do not believe anything without proof. I hunt for truth. It makes me cynical.

I’m a scientist. Science is the search for truth. We might not find it but we learn on the way. If it cannot be demonstrated, repeated and explained I remain skeptical.

Science doesn’t explain everything but it certainly gives a better explanation than everything else.

I do not find truth in religious belief. There is no evidence. It does not make sense. It is all based on faith in some human concocted fantasy. All very good when we understood very little but it does not hold up for me. Religion is constantly trying to reinvent itself as science reveals its cherished beliefs are not true.

Things we do not understand are explained by fantastical gods, paradise, heaven, angels and the rest – visions in wildernesses, up mountains or in caves don’t do it for me. Humans have created thousands of gods and afterlives. We used to worship the sun and moon and perform ceremonies to produce spring and rain. I really do not think any of those ceremonies, dietary restrictions, sacrifices or costumes had the slightest effect on the sun and moon.

As for politics – well I am sure that some politicians are genuine and do their best. I always take what they say with a pinch of salt, judge them on what they do and not what they say, and look to hold them to account.

I vote Labour because they do support public services and the poor. I wouldn’t vote Tory because, despite what they say, they always give tax cuts to the rich and cut public services.

The truth is that politicians are politicians. They use spin, lies and deceit.

Then we have the media. The truth is very difficult to ascertain. It depends who owns it, what spin it has and what propaganda they are spewing out. I prefer newspapers like the I and the BBC to that of internet sites. One has to read between the lines and weigh up the evidence. The internet is controlled by obnoxious people who pump out lies, conspiracy and fake news. At least I know the bias of media outlets I know about. The media has become polarised and full of lies.

I value the truth and honest, genuine people.