Poetry – Reality


Reality in a cloud of electricity,

In infinity


Created out of chemistry.

The universe


In the head,


From limited senses:-

Not the whole spread.

What we see

Is partial.

It is not the universe.

Opher – 4.5.2020

I think it’s philosophy.

We think we live in reality. But do we? All our perception is just electrical activity in our brains.

We think what we are seeing and feeling is real. It isn’t.

It is nothing more than some phenomenon of consciousness – a network of chemistry and polarised charge – nothing more.

We do not even know if anything really exists outside of our head.

Poetry – Reality


Scenes you may find upsetting!

That’s life!

Torture in the wilderness!

Heated knife!

Butchery and rape!

Lies rife!!

Living here in comfort.

No strife.

Opher – 28.10.2018

Here we are in the West sitting in the comfort of our homes, with full bellies, the central heating on and the TV offering a glimpse into the unpleasant side of life on the other side of the globe.

People are being murdered and raped.

Animals are being cruelly butchered.

Wars are raging.

Torturers are plying their trade.

People are starving.

Babies are dying.

Animals are screaming in agony.

These are the scenes we might find upsetting.

If we’re that upset we should perhaps do something about it.

Poetry – Reality



Reality in a cloud of electricity,

In infinity


Created out of chemistry.


The universe


In the head,


From limited senses:-

Not the whole spread.


What we see

Is partial.

It is not the universe.


Opher – 4.5.2020



I think it’s philosophy.

We think we live in reality. But do we? All our perception is just electrical activity in our brains.

We think what we are seeing and feeling is real. It isn’t.

It is nothing more than some phenomenon of consciousness – a network of chemistry and polarised charge – nothing more.

We do not even know if anything really exists outside of our head.