Ban the Burka??? Burn the Niqab???

Hijabs, Niqabs, Burkas, religion, misogyny and modesty.


I have a dilemma when it comes to the clothing restrictions made on women in Islam.

I do not like it. I think it is misogynistic. I do not believe it is Islamic; it is pre-Islamic. I see it as a process of subordination and oppression of women that stems from the Arabic, Abrahamic tradition; straight out of medieval tribalism.

I do not think women should be treated as sex objects. I think they are equal. But they should be allowed to express their sexuality. I do not like repression in any form.

I despise the imposition of dress codes on women and become furious when I read of women being whipped or beaten for not complying.

I feel it is grossly unfair when I see men walking around free to wear what they like while their women are constrained.

I know that some women want to wear these costumes from long ago. They say it gives them confidence and they do not like men’s eyes on them. I can understand that.

I know some women feel that it is a religious duty to comply.

I know that some women wear hijabs that are highly decorative and that it is attractive.

I do not find it so. I find it a symbol of repression, control and un-emancipation. It is like a woman is being forced to wear shackles.

It stinks.

I have enough trouble with the absurdity of religion without the primitive, sexist, misogynistic overtones.

Then I hit the dilemma.

I also believe that people should be free to wear what they like, dress how they like and believe what they like.

I just wish that women in this country would appreciate the plight of their disenfranchised sisters and show a bit of solidarity! We have a culture of equality, tolerance, freedom and democracy.

I believe that costume challenges those values.

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