The life of an atheist.

Is it dull being an atheist?

We are born, we love, we have fun, we share, we create, we solve problems, we care, we make things better, we love a bit more, we play music, dance and sing, we paint, we write, we think, we wonder, we are in awe, we raise families, we love a lot more, we share with friends, we drink, we party, we create, we help one another, we laugh a lot, cuddle, hug and cry a bit, we die.

It’s not so bad to open your eyes in a wondrous majestic place for a while. In fact it’s awesome.

11 thoughts on “The life of an atheist.

    1. Yes – I thought it was humorous. Somebody wrote on a site I write on that atheists are cold. I wrote that in response.

  1. Surely that can apply to anyone. My eldest son was Baptised Catholic he is now an atheist, that is what he wants he has his choice his freedom. I am lapse catholic as you know I still believe in God so strongly but not the Church. My youngest Son does not attend any Church but he believes in God. We are all different we all have our own decisions to make.

    1. That is true Anna. That is pretty much the point I was making. I was responding to a comment made by someone that atheists were dull, boring and dreary and lead pointless lives. I was telling him that he was wrong. Atheists live a full, passionate life just like everybody else.

  2. Would have thought religionists run more risk of having dull lives if they believe that this one is merely a preparation for a ‘better’ life to come.

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