Jo Cox – A martyr for compassion and caring for the disadvantaged.

Some politicians are not in it for the power and greed. Some politicians are full of compassion and integrity. They care for people and they want to make the world a better place.

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Violence is never an answer. We’ve seen that with the hideous actions of terrorists. We have to find a way to love, tolerate and care for each other. That is the way forward – together! One family.

My thoughts go out with sadness to all Jo’s family and friends.

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14 thoughts on “Jo Cox – A martyr for compassion and caring for the disadvantaged.

    1. Yes senseless. A great loss. She was a woman whose philosophy and sensibilities I can thoroughly agree with. A rarity.

      1. It is wrong to say she was a rarity, there are people out there, whose names will never be publicly known who work tirelessly for the good of man. The problem here now is there are voices being heard/words being printed that in so many cases are only being done so to make those doing so look good. Condolences yes, but all this coverage, I am sorry so much insincerity. Thoughts should be for the Husband, her little Children, her larger Family.

      2. I don’t think it is all insincere, Anna. But I do think that, although there are a number of people out there doing good things, it is quite a rarity. The cynicism directed towards politicians is because most of what they do and say is merely to gain votes for power and greed. They rarely stand up for what they believe in; they tailor what they say and do for effect and tread a corporate path. That is why Corbyn comes across so strongly. He says what he believes – not what is popular. Jo had integrity. She did and stood for what she believed. It struck a chord. She had integrity. That has elicited the response.

  1. I never said she did not stand for what she believed in, I said it was wrong to refer to her as a rarity. Amongst the other women Politicians in Labour I don’t deny she was to be admired. I rejoined the Labour Party because of Corbyn, I resigned my Membership of the Party because of that Bastard Tony “Blood on my hands” Blair, but we do not all agree that Corbyn is right. Please Opher are you really that taken in by the sickening performances such as that creep Kinnock, the Socialist who has made so much money, like the wife like the Son, “Socialists”? Please these people with their tears make me want to puke. What was sincere were her colleagues who laid flowers and candles, you could see the ones who were visibly distraught. It is good publicity for so many and that do you honestly deny. Perhaps I am foolish and expect people to be honest and decent and not use such tragedies as Jo Cox as a means of being heard/seen and read. I repeat again, all that matters is that her Husband, little Children and Family are left to grieve for her.

    1. Yes there are a number of people jumping on the bandwagon. That is sickening. But I think most of the outpouring has been genuine. People have been shocked and do see her as someone exceptional who really believed in what she was doing. She was a positive, optimistic idealist.
      Her family and friends are the most important but I think we all lost someone who was sincere and really trying to make a positive difference. It is, on a lesser level, our loss too.

      1. I am sorry Opher I have to say this. Why do you say “our loss” it is not our loss, it is her Family who have lost her. Her loss to the Charities she supported is a great, the good work she done is her Epitaph. TV, newspapers, etc are milking it for all its worth, dreadful thing to say but true.

      2. I say ‘Our loss’ too because I do not see a lot of people with that global perspective, that tolerance, that dedication and that compassion. She was a very bright flame who might well have gone on to have a major impact and made the country and the world a better place. Few people have that sincerity and integrity. I do not have a lot of respect for most of our ‘leaders’. She might have made a positive difference. That is our loss – what might have been.

  2. You know Opher they are people out there who do just as much good as she did only difference is they do not have such high profile, no criticism of the Lady. People who do good, who are honest and sincere as you state rarely do some get as much praise. I can think of one Gentleman I watched the other night who has worked hard, been under threats perhaps, set up an organisation to help both Men and Women/Children who have been physically assaulted Raped, pedophiles if you like. Yet this man works tirelessly and has not received any recognition. But two scouser entertainers get OBEs. Enough to make one want to be sick.

    1. Yes there are a number of them who work tirelessly. There are a lot of very good people who are not recognised for the good they do.

  3. You know what Opher, the more and more we disagree over the “facts” as we see them, it becomes glaringly obvious that for all our one sided views, ultimately in the grand scheme of things your opinion changes NOTHING, my opinion on these things changes NOTHING. For all our discussions and disagreements what have we actually achieved – NOTHING. We are all just little pawns in a bigger game at the end of the day disagreeing over the Internet. Perhaps it’s time we all realised this and stopped disagreeing over things we simply can never change at the risk of losing what I think of as a good friendship.

    1. Ha – that is true. We are but microbes in a pot of yoghourt. We should not fall out over having different views on certain things.
      But despite that I write and blog because I feel it is important that I say what I believe – even if I have no influence and it is pointless. I believe in the zeitgeist and that we can make a difference.
      I want a better world and in my own silly little way that is what I fight for. That’s all. It may only be a pointless gesture but I think it’s important.
      And you know what Anna – I think we both want the same thing – we just believe there are different ways of getting there.
      So no falling out – sounds good to me.

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