E Mail spam and nuisance posts. More SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM


While I’m on the subject of Spam I thought I would continue being a grumpy old man for a bit longer.

Doesn’t it get incredibly annoying when you receive tens of unsolicited emails advertising products?

Every morning I start the day eliminating all the posts that are unsolicited and trying to sell me something – holidays, kindle books, PPI, Korean girls, Asian girls, dating sites, Wonga, gambling sites, debt control, credit ratings ………..

Now if and when I ever get to wanting a date with a gorgeous Brazilian/Asian/Korean girl, to claim my PPI back, consolidate my loans, take up wasting my money on gambling or take a holiday to get away from the SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM, I will be sure to shun all the services on offer, investigate a good deal and do it elsewhere.

I cannot believe that anyone in the country still wants their PPI looking into or hasn’t got Solar Panels, a new boiler and insulation.

Does anyone ever take them up on their cold call offers. If they do they must be nuts!

As a writer who enjoys selling his books (and does from time to time send out blog posts about my books) I can sympathise with the book sellers. What really annoys me though is when they send you multiple adverts for the same book. If I didn’t want it the first time why would I want it the tenth time of asking? Sometimes there is a line of a dozen identical posts sitting there glaring at me. Marketing is fine but that is a turn off.

Only a fraction of this gets picked up on my Spam filters. I have to check my spam filter every day and delete the tens of spam messages. But worse – I have to go through all my E mails and delete each crap unsolicited one. This morning I ended up deleting fifty of them.

It takes time! Why do they do it?

6 thoughts on “E Mail spam and nuisance posts. More SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM

  1. I know. It is soooo annoying! I get 50 or so a day too. Delete,delete,delete. It does take time!

      1. I delete all ads, but there are so many worthy causes needing money, petitions signed, etc. those are a little harder to delete.

      2. I sign a lot of petitions but I’m reluctant to donate. I think it encourages cold calling. I like to think about what I support and not just act on the spur of the moment.

      3. We usually donate to the same several places, and we rarely do any money transactions on line. But, yeah, the petitions. It depends on what mood I am in. Some days I just delete everything. Other days I sign everything worthy. I guess they count on that and then of course you are always let to the donation page. But I don’t bite.

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