What Arnie Schwarzenegger thought about the attempted coup in the USA.

A very outspoken view from the Terminator.

Governor Schwarzenegger’s Message Following this Week’s Attack on the Capitol – YouTube

Trump Delusional Cartoons

Trump is still making delusional claims with absolutely no evidence. All his lawsuits are being chucked out because they have no foundation. He is inciting his extreme base, undermining democracy and making America a laughing stock.

In a way I hope he doesn’t concede. The Secret Service will ignominiously oust him.

He is a disgrace to the office.

Georgia Recount nearing the end with Biden leading by 14,000 votes!!

The formalities are being gone through!! The recount changes nothing. Biden will win by 13,000 votes plus!

All the counting was spot on.

Some votes were discovered uncounted but alter nothing.

The Dominion machines had not been hacked and were accurate.

All Trump’s lies have been shown to be empty air!!

Meanwhile, elsewhere, Trump’s futile legal challenges continue to be thrown out, his ludicrous claims unsubstantiated.

It’s getting beyond a joke! Someone should tell the madman to concede and put an end to all this tomfoolery!! He’s making himself into an international embarrassment that is rebounding on the USA.

Every other country manages to carry out a democratic election, do the counting and declare a winner. Why is the USA so incompetent?

Dear Mr President

This is from an American…

President Trump,

I wonder how much pain you’re willing to cause America.

Apparently, more than you already have.

It isn’t enough that you have spent your every waking moment of the past four years appealing to the very worst nature of your followers; weaponizing them against their neighbours, friends, family members, and strangers.

It isn’t enough that you have perpetually trafficked in lies, when the truth would have been much simpler; that you were almost habitually allergic to honesty even when honesty would have greatly benefited you.

It isn’t enough that you have steadily stoked the fires of racism, that you have courted wild conspiracy, that you’ve never once taken the path of maturity, compassion, and sober judgment in stewarding this nation.

It isn’t enough that you have been so guilty of presidential malpractice, that you have inexplicably made a public health crisis a partisan event, allowing a quarter of a million Americans to die, many of them needlessly

And now, after all that, you’ve chosen to do something far worse as your swan song: to go to war with the very bedrock of this nation: a free and fair election by the people — simply because you cannot live with what they are telling you.

You are indicting a process that you spent months poisoning and polluting and sabotaging. Even those unprecedented efforts to create chaos and silence voters would not deter a record number of Americans from telling you that you are not worthy to lead them.

You are revealing your true character in these moments.

A decent man would honour the unequivocal and clear will of the people.

A decent man would concede with dignity immediately in order to allow calm to prevail.

A decent man would agree to a peaceful transfer of power, as every previous outgoing president has.

A decent man would look at a nation ravaged by a pandemic, devastated by job loss, and exhausted from internal strife — and decide to end his tenure here by finally, for the first time, doing something selfless.

But you are not a decent man and that is simply not your way. You are incapable of the elemental goodness required when called upon by moments of gravity and consequence.

I should have known it would end this way.

This is who you have always been: a man lacking a single noble instinct or humane impulse; a parasitic presence who only takes from things it attaches itself to.

Your ornamental America First rhetoric is burning up in the presence of your caustic conduct right now.

If you loved this nation or cared for its people, you would be an adult man and a true leader, and admit defeat and allow this nation to begin to heal and recover. Instead you incite violence and stir your unhinged base and speak reckless, incendiary lies that will only serve to injure more people and try and avoid your eventual departure.

And make no mistake, that departure is imminent.
You are leaving.  The American people have made that clear. Every president before you has honoured that. And whether you like or not, you will, too.

It’s just really sad that you couldn’t take this moment and finally become a better version of yourself; instead your final days here are ones marked by unnecessary suffering and manufactured sorrow; that in one more traitorous, belligerent salvo, you will assail the very heart of democracy in order to defend your brittle, fragile ego.

History is recording the truth: that you will have caused more injury to America and its people than any of the men who have served the office you hold and will shortly be removed from. You will have even done more destruction to our sovereignty and safety than any imagined foreign threat.

Joe Biden is going to be our next president.

You will soon be leaving, Mr. President.

And sadly, it looks as though you will leave the way you have led and the way you have lived your entire life: disgracefully.

Congratulations President Biden!!!

Populism rejected!

Hope embraced!

Goodbye conspiracy, fake news and division!

Hello compassion, empathy and a helping hand.

Goodbye fear and hate!

Time to heal, to mend and build.

Time to think about Nature, the planet and take the necessary action!

Time to value science and experts above superstition!

The earth isn’t flat!

We did land on the moon.

Congratulations Joe Biden!!!!

Goodbye to the worst President in history!! Tweet in hell!!

Sanity returns!!

Poetry – Every Vote counts

Every Vote counts

‘We want the law to be used in the proper manner!’

‘So stop counting the votes!’

‘They are stealing my presidency!’

‘It’s not fair.’

‘I’ll set the Supreme Court on you,

If you try to steal my residency!’

Every vote counts.

No vote will be uncounted.

It takes time.

There are problems to be surmounted.

‘I’ve loaded the court

With a bunch of my friends.

They’ll sort it out for me.

I’m sure they’ll make amends.’

‘I won’t allow the people

To take it away from me!’

‘It’s not fair!

‘I’m spitting out my dummy!’

Opher – 4.11.2020

We’ve seen the usual petulant display – unworthy of a man in his position. We’ve heard the false claims and lies. We’ve witnessed him again stirring up division and hate for his own ends.

The real fraud would be if he managed to stop the states from counting every vote. That would be stealing an election!

And he has still failed.

He is behaving like the spoilt rich child he really is.

Someone put his dummy (pacifier) back in!

Poetry – End and Begin

End and Begin


                The militia


Racists and supremacists




                Superstition and ignorance




                The fabric of society




                Inequality and poverty




                Empathy and compassion

Opher – 3.11.2020

Ending the populist division of Trump, the empty promises, the lies, the corruption and greed.

Beginning to build something better based on caring and compassion; something for everyone, a fairer country.

Let’s hope. Let’s hope sanity wins. Let’s hope that violence and bullying lose.