Jerusalem, views over Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives.

A fascinating place with a dangerous clash of cultures, religious fervours and extremism. History meets the future!!

Jerusalem – King David’s Tomb.

I love history. Jerusalem is full of it. It is a holy place for Christians, Jews and Muslims and has been fought over many times. It is still being fought over.

King David’s tomb is a sacred place for Jews. Visiting it left me with a number of questions:

Why in this modern age are women separated from men and treated as second-class citizens?

If there is a god (which I very much doubt) would she really make such bizarre demands on religious costume?? Having to wear strange clothes and strap gospels to your head and body?

Is it the best way to spend your brief sojourn in this universe studying ancient writings and treating them as the definitive word? I think, personally, that reading and investigating ancient history has a place – but life’s for living.