Davos and Trump’s Great Address

‘It’s good to see so many of you here. Never been so many. Never so many. All here to see me.’

‘I want you to know America is great. We’re doing so great. Never been greater. Since I’ve become President we’re getting greater and greater. I’m the greatest. There has never been anybody as great!’

‘The economy is doing just great – never been greater! So Great! I have made the economy great. Nobody has done it better. I’m the greatest.’

‘I’ve taken the steps that the last guy failed to take. He couldn’t hack it – should be locked up. Lock him up. Lock him up.’

‘We’ve got fracking on the beaches. All the beaches. All beaches. Except Florida. We don’t want that stuff on the beaches in Florida. Not Florida. It’d distracting on the fairways.’

‘Soon they’ll be drilling in the National Parks. We’ll be strip mining and bringing up all that gas, oil and minerals. We’ll be so rich. We’ll make the US so great. Who needs bears? We don’t need bears. We need bucks. We’ll be turning those empty spaces into dollars. I tell you we’ll be so rich.’

‘Who cares about those tree-huggers with their fake news, global warming. Who needs trees. We’ll burn them. There’s no climate change, believe me. There really isn’t. It’s all fake news. Those scientists make it up. I’m right. I’m a genius.’

‘I’ve done away with worker’s rights and health and safety. So all you guys out there can bring your money and invest in America. It’ll be so great. You can make a killing. No need to go anywhere else. You can bring you outfits here. There’s no rules. A killing to be made. We’ve got the workforce. Who needs rules and regulations? They stop investment, right? I’ve done away with them! I’ve done away with them all. So bring your cash and get stuck in. America first right? You can make a killing.’

‘It’s good for America, right! We’re Americans. We take risks. We’re tough enough. We’re gonna make America great.’

‘We’re showing all those guys we mean business. The rivers are deep enough. The seas are big enough. It’s big. It can take some chemical waste. It’s big. It can take it. We can take it. I take it most of all.’

‘The drinking water will be fine. Just fine. Just dandy. Believe me. The food will be fine. Just dandy. It won’t kill everyone. It’ll be just fine. We’re just doing away with all that phoney red tape – doing away with it. It’s bad for jobs. Americans need jobs. Jobs are good. We’ll be great.’

‘I’ve given tax cuts to everyone. Not just to the rich – not just me and my pals – everyone – you’ll all get a bit. It’ll be great. I’m gonna make America so great we’ll rule the whole world. I’m gonna make the whole world great. Little rocket man won’t know what hit him. My button’s bigger than anyone’s. It’s great. Iran better get in line. It won’t be American first ‘cos we’ll all be Americans. The whole world will be so great. I’ll be the greatest.’

‘Take no notice of how we’ll pay for everything. That’s no problem. We’ll pay. We’ll make so much money, so many dollars. We’ll all be so rich.’

‘I’ve done away with healthcare. We don’t need it. We’ll be so great we’ll never get ill. Who needs it. There’s lots of Americans. Enough to do everything. We don’t need healthcare. They’ll still be enough to do the work. If some drop out that’ll be fine. Still enough to do the job. Survival of the fittest. That’s nature.’

‘And schools, friends, believe me, We don’t need to waste money on schools. My friends in the Church will do that. They’ll bring them up as fine Christians. Not Muslims. No. We’ll all be Christians, just fine. It’ll be great’

‘We won’t need border controls because we’re gonna blast those ISIS terrorists to hell. There won’t be any terrorist. They’ll all be in hell. No more Muslims. So great. Believe me. So great.’

‘No more birth control and abortion. We won’t need contraception or abortion. We just need more Americans – more reasons to be great. It’s a great time to be American.’

‘I’m so great. So great.’

‘So. I’m watching, me and my big button. If you don’t fail in line we’re taking down names. We won’t forget. You’re either with us or not. We’re watching. So bring your cash back to America or pay the price. We’re watching. Don’t worry. Believe me. It’ll be great.’