Chris Riddell – Johnson needs a holiday!! Cartoon,

Forget Afghanistan, Covid and Brexit – they aren’t bothered!! As long as they are making enough money, sorting their futures and living the life!

John Lennon – Woman is the nigger of the world.

As the medieval fanatics of the Taliban advance into the cities threatening to take over the country and throw everyone back into the stone-age it made me think of this song.

These religious thugs want to force their distorted views on to everyone else. They are ignorant imbeciles who believe in a abhorrent philosophy. Religion is bad enough but this takes it to a different level.

They want to ban music.

They want to destroy art and architecture.

They want to erase history.

But worst of all they want to dominate and completely subjugate half of humanity – women. They want to chain them in the house as slaves. They want to prevent them being educating, working or assuming any position of power. They insist they had to be covered from head to foot in robes and veils. They want them obeying their husbands, churning out babies and doing menial work. They wish to treat women worse than dogs.

If that isn’t worth opposing I don’t know what is.

John Lennon recognised how bad things were for women in the Western world – let alone this barbaric idiocy. He deliberately used the word nigger because of the power that was in it.

Fifty years on woman is still the nigger of the world and in Afghanistan it’s about to get a lot lot worse!

Woman is the nigger of the world
Yes, she is, think about it
Woman is the nigger of the world
Think about it, do something about it

The Middle East and war.

iraq_isis_in_mosul_460 iraqfaluja3 iraqlead islam

I was positive that dropping bombs on people in the Middle East was going to recruit people who wanted to do the same to us.

Not that I condone those actions.

I never thought going to war, legal or otherwise, was a good idea.

They’ve come over here with their bombs and they’re trying to bend our will and make us believe their beliefs. We’ve got our own and we’re not interested in their beliefs. We’re going to fight for our beliefs and our way of life. Whatever they do or however they try to impose their will on us we’ll never give in and we’ll fight to the last man.

That’s what they’ll be saying in Baghdad about us.

Nick Harper 2005

What we need is peace, love, tolerance and happiness. Help build a new zeitgeist!