The Corona Diaries – Day 96

I can’t really believe that it has been 96 days! That seems ridiculous. It has left me feeling jaded and everything seems surreal.

I think of the world outside going on the same as usual. I haven’t been in a supermarket for 94 days. We order our food in by home delivery.  I have this image in my head that the supermarket is just the same. I wonder about my sourdough bread, those delicious pecan slices and the cereal that I love; I bet none of those things are there now. We live in a different world.

All those places I used to regularly go to – the pubs, restaurants, cinemas, gig venues – shut and eerily empty. It’s a bit strange.

I bet a number of them will never open again. Things have changed.

So our inept government has abandoned its tracking ap. What a surprise. Why couldn’t they have talked to other people and collaborated? Everything has to reinvent the wheel. I fear it is that arrogance again! There’s talk of going from 2 metres to 1 metre and opening schools. It won’t effect us. We’re staying put!

Rab Butler put his foot in it with the BLM people – taking the knee was much too common for him. Everyone should be taking the knee to him!

So today I went for an early walk to avoid the rain! It was blustery and I did get peppered with a few drops but I avoided the majority. It felt strange to be in jacket and trousers after shorts and T-shirt. Shoes feel funny.

We decorated a bedroom and I played my Elvis Costello. I knackered now but there’s a sense of achievement!

Tomorrow we go to see friends for a SD meet up. That’ll be good. Then the day after we do the same with other friends. I’m looking forward to a good natter! I better I know the main topic of conversation – Covid 19 and our inept, dithering government! Looking forward to meeting up with family!! It’s been a long time!!

Stay safe!!

2 thoughts on “The Corona Diaries – Day 96

  1. Opher, the world outside is indeed going on sort-of as usual; and it’s starting, however tentatively, to return towards normal. The supermarket queues have been less in the last few days, and the traffic more. BTW, my local Co-op has weathered the crisis really well. And the small shops have supposedly re-opened. But I haven’t been down to the town since Monday, and most of them don’t open on a Monday anyway.

    What I’m waiting for is the re-opening of pubs, restaurants and barber shops. The idiots in power (Johnson is only one of them, and by no means the worst) will probably require us to wear masks in those places! But how can you eat, drink or get your moustache trimmed if you’re wearing a mask???

    1. Hi Neil. I’m not sure anybody knows what we’re doing or why. The clowns keep changing their minds. I haven’t been near a shop for 96 days. Fortunately I like my hair long. The roads are as busy as usual. My walks have been more difficult and nature is scarcer.
      I think they should make pedestrian areas in town centres and allow the restaurants and cafes to put up some awnings and open up.
      As for masks – maybe we should ask the Muslim women how they cope??

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