The Meat Producers need to get their act together. There is no excuse for cruelty.

I eat meat but I want animals to be treated and killed humanely. I don’t like killing things but I am quite prepared to kill animals for food – as long as it is humane. I used to do that when I worked in an animal house.

Animals should always we treated with respect and reared in pleasant conditions. They should never be cooped up in tiny cages, mistreated or abused.

I think animals should be killed on the farm where they are raised and then transported as carcasses without all the pain and terror and the discomfort. At present animals are transported thousands of miles without food and water all cramped together in transporters, in terror and fear. It can’t be right.

The whole meat industry needs to up its act.

Unless conditions change and animals are treated better I think the whole industry will suffer. People are sickened by what they hear about the cruelty and agonies our food animals suffer. It is simply not right.

Animals are sentient beings. They should be treated as such.