Air – The Incredible String Band

Such a beautiful, uplifting song!

I do love the Incredible String Band. They were full of such vitality and positivity. It was such a shame how they broke up into such disharmony and rancour.

“Air” – Incredible String Band

Breathing, all creatures are
Brighter then than brightest star
You are by far

You come right inside of me
Close as you can be
You kiss my blood and the blood kiss me

Breathing, all creatures are
Brighter then than brightest star
You are by far

You come right inside of me
Close as you can be
You kiss my blood and the blood kiss me

4 thoughts on “Air – The Incredible String Band

  1. I loved them too. Recently I “succeeded” in downloading their Ducks on a Pond album. But it was a re-mastering, and sounded too smooth, didn’t affect you the same way. Their original performances had tremendous vitality and joy in the music.

    1. Bumba – that is the very word – JOY!! I used to see them live quite a bit and they were so uplifting. I’m glad they lifted you too!

      1. Yes, the public radio in NY used to play them. Even in the recordings, there’s an energy and joy – and fine musicianship. Too hippyish for many, but always interesting.

  2. The first time I saw them I couldn’t believe it. They played as a duo and the stage was just littered with instruments that they kept swapping during the songs. Amazing.

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