Take Heart Too – a poem about the perceptive and wise.

Take Heart Too


Take heart from those who see the bigger picture

And realise they are minor players

Within a mighty stroke of luck

That gave us eyes to see;

For they are aglow

With understanding

And see each second

As a gift.


Opher 16.6.2018



I wrote this as an adjunct to the previous piece. It always seems amazing to me that evolution has provided us with the brain, consciousness and senses with which to glimpse this most amazing universe. What a stroke of fabulous luck! We should celebrate every second of it.

Consciousness is a thing of wonder.

What if there were no conscious beings to witness the majesty of this cosmos? What a waste.



7 thoughts on “Take Heart Too – a poem about the perceptive and wise.

    1. Yes it is one of those most fabulous things that fill one with awe and wonder. It never ceases to intrigue me.

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