My Pet Cock Pheasant.

They breed pheasants in the countryside around us. We had this beautiful cock pheasant who took up residence in our garden. He liked the security of our hedges and trees and greatly appreciated being fed. He’d visit the bird table on a regular basis and became quite tame. He stayed with us for a year and at one time he had accumulated a hareem of 6 hens. So it wasn’t just me who thought he looked quite magnificent. 

They breed the birds to shoot. I probably did him no favours. He got used to people. Every now and then he’d fly off. One day he didn’t come back.

6 thoughts on “My Pet Cock Pheasant.

  1. What a beautiful bird I’m so sorry he didn’t come back. I don’t understand how anyone could shoot this beautiful creature.

    1. Hey Raili – I just had to dig your reply out of the spam box. Why has my computer decided you are spam. I’ll have strong words with it.
      No. I don’t understand how anyone can delight in killing beautiful animals. But they do. It seems it’s some instinctive thing.

      1. I don’t understand the whole spam box thing. I make a habit of checking it out everyday just in case. Thanks for rescuing me 🙂

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