The Truth – a poem

The Truth – a poem


Boko Haram, ISIS, Taliban –

The name changes

The crimes are the same.


Religious fanaticism

Goes by many names

And is always the same.


Holy books and word of god

In many different forms

With Kalashnikov and HE.


Righteous fury,

Bottled hate,

Promise of reward.

Tomorrow never comes.


Opher 28.10.2018



The world is full of fanatics.

Spirituality is a personal thing. Inflicting it on others is deplorable!

Murder is murder.

I wish I believed in god then I know they’d be punished.

They promise heaven but they deliver hell.

Heaven is always tomorrow and that never comes. Ain’t that the truth!!

The Truth – a poem

The Truth


The truth is usually grey.

It doesn’t stand up to the light of day.

What appears to be absolute

Rapidly falls into fierce dispute,

As the truth falls prey

To political decay.


Opher 19.8.2018

I wrote this for all those people who take their news from all those fake sites out there on the web, busy pushing their propaganda:  for those who take the mainstream news as gospel; for those who really believe that they have the only handle on what is really going on.

This is tribal.

This is all lies.