A letter of Despair – a poem

A Letter of Despair


As May takes her leave

They’re lining up to deceive –

Tories on their ownsome!


Representing all the rich,

Stabbing at the bitch.

Playing with their Johnson!


And they’ll say the right things

As they wait in the wings,

But they’ll do the other!


As they play the hypocrite

To the ones who have no wit,

As if they were their brother!


And their stinking Tory rags

Of Public schoolboy fags

Will scream their torrid lies.


As they bastardise the truth

And hurl their abuse

At the ignorant and unwise!


For now the race is on

And the rules are all gone –

Their weapons bloody!


Cometh the hour;

It’s all about power

Forget the country!


They’ll pose and they’ll curse;

They’ll promise the earth,

But never mean it!


They’ll sell their souls

To gain votes in the polls,

Then contravene it!


For the many – not the few

From their lips it will spew

As they mirror Corbyn!


While robbing from the poor

And kicking in your door

Like a Lord a-robbing!


Hard Brexit they support

With barely a thought

For the workers!


It’s all British grit!

None of your foreign shit!

For they’re a bunch of shirkers!


So on with austerity!

Stuff you and me!

It’s all about the bankers!


Zero hours and low pay

Is what’s coming our way

From the Tory wankers!


They’ve robbed your pension

With hardly a mention

And lowered your pay!


But the profit zooms

As the future looms

And the wealthy get their way!


As they privatise your school

And sell off your pool

To the highest bidding!


All their investor chums

Are sucking on their thumbs.

You must be kidding!


Never had it so good

In your neighbourhood

As they screw you over.


Soon you’ll pay to breathe

For freedom you will grieve!


Your Tory lover!