Opher’s new Science Fiction book hits the shelves! Now available from Amazon in paperback for the princely sum of £7.25.

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To have your boy come home with a book! – to paraphrase Joe

After a couple of extensive rewrites this 1974 tale of weirdness and madness in alien lands has been put into print.

You can get it here:

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If you want any of my other masterpieces they are available here:

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New Sci Fi book – Destination Self – first rewrite completed.

I wrote this book back in 1975. I have just spent a lot of time rewriting it. Wow!! It is amazing how time changes things. Forty years have made a lot of my technology look slightly dated.

It took quite a bit of rewriting and I chose a new ending. I am pleased with what’s come out at the end.

I am now taking a few minutes to catch my breath before I start another run through!

Wish me luck.