Who’s Profiteering?

Prices going up – amounts getting smaller – who’s profiteering?

After thirteen years of cuts and austerity with the Tories creaming off from the top the gross profiteering is coming home to roost!

The Tories have lost control of the economy, inflation and just about everything else.

Broken Britain has been sold to foreigners at bargain prices. Profits are zooming off abroad. Brexit is destroying the economy with red tape, tarifs, delays and customs checks. Immigration is through the roof but labour shortages are crippling business. Wages are down, everyone’s on strike. Workers are penalised while Tory donors are handsomely rewarded.

Cameron, Osborne, May, Farage, Johnson, Lady Mone and hosts of other Tories are walking off into the sunset with massive multimillion pound dividends. It’s alright for them, isn’t it?

What a greedy, selfish bunch!

What a mess!! Not only that but they haven’t got a clue how to deal with it!

Let them eat dirt!

The only good thing that might come out of all this is that we might get rid of the profiteering Tories!!

Boats in the Channel Food on the Table

Boats in the Channel Food on the Table

Small boats in the channel.

                Everyone’s on strike!

                                A cost of living crisis.

                                                A huge tax hike!

Tax loopholes for the wealthy

                MPs profiteering

                                Nepotism, cronyism.

                                                All our money disappearing.

Long queues at the ports.

                Public services in crisis.

                                Delays and red tape

                                                With soaring food prices.

The country’s in a mess:

                VIP lanes and sleaze.

                                The architects of Broken Britain

                                                Doing as they please!

It’s everybody else’s fault.

                They never are to blame.

                                For us it’s trying to survive.

                                                For them it’s just a game!

Opher 30.5.2023

These last thirteen years of Tory corruption and lies have been a complete disaster for the country.

They lied to us about Brexit.

They have imposed austerity on the poor.

The rich have never had it so good.

There is widespread corruption and sleaze.

They have one rule for themselves and one for everyone else.

Public services have been robbed and broken.

The poor and immigrants have been demonised.

They’ve been partying and having a great time while we were all locked up.

They’ve taken over the BBC.

They are pouring out a stream of propaganda.

They have driven out doctors, nurses, fruit pickers, midwives, HGV drivers, chefs, hotel staff, carers.

Driven down wages.

Britain only works for the rich.

They have made huge profits for themselves – pulling in millions.

Tories are a selfish, greedy, callous, unscrupulous bunch of profiteering conmen – not only that – they are incompetent too!

They have broken Britain!

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

The Daily Mail, at the ERGs command

Arose to print its stain

To become the charter of the land

And the Daily Express sang this strain:

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

Other nations more blessed than thee

Who made their tyrants fall;

While we are subjected to the ERG

With Johnson ridiculed by all.

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

Still more majestic did they rise

While our dreams went up in smoke.

As the loud blast that tears the skies

Gives our last hopes a poke.

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

The haughty ERG did you tame

Their attempts did bend thee down.

Brought the nation to its knees

Led by the greatest clown.

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

To thee belongs the greatest shame;

Thy cities desolate with grime;

Zero hours shall be your gain

And your lives be filled with crime.

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

The Muses, with no freedom found,

Are filled with great despair.

Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crowned,

Betrayed by the greediest there!

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

Rule the Tories! The Tories rule you knaves!

Britons forever ever ever shall be slaves!

Opher 10.3.2023

I bet not many people know the actual words of this great bit of jingoism. All they bellow out is the chorus.

We were sold a pup by the right-wing Tory ERG. They made a killing out of Brexit and vented their racist spleens. With lies about sunny uplands and ready-made deals they broke Britain. Now they are making their millions while we pick up the tab. The nation is far poorer and our reputation ruined.

We allowed a clown to lead down the road to disaster with a haughty toff stuffing millions into his offshore tax havens. The promises were lies.

With zero hours, cuts and austerity we’ve been thrown into an existential cost of living crisis. While we freeze and starve the clown and the toff are stuffing hay into their loft.

Cost of Living Crisis – Brexit – the Elephants in the room! Chris Riddell!

Everyone can see that this Tory hard Brexit has severely damaged the country. It needs putting right.

What we should have done is obvious isn’t it? We should have respected the vote (close though it was – but I won’t go there) and come out but stayed in the single market and customs union.

All those promised oven-ready wonderful trade deals are pie in the sky. They were never going to happen and never will. Our biggest and best trading partner is just across the channel. They are also powerful enough to make better trade deals with others than we can possibly do.

It was all lies. A lot of very rich Tories made a lot of money out of Brexit – at our expense!! Bastards!!

I so wish that Starmer would come out and make the case against Brexit. I think if he said that we’re staying out but going back into the single market and customs union for the sake of the economy he’d get the support of all of them apart from a hardcore of nutters!!

The chance of making enough great trade deals to make up for the damage to our trade with the EU is ridiculously small.

We’ve not shot ourselves in the foot, we’ve blown our own heads off!!

These ERG racist/xenophobic nutcases have wrecked the country for their own greedy selfish reasons. They should be made to pay back all the profit they made out of Brexit.

It’s all about votes not common sense!!

The sooner we get out of this political morass and into a rational debate the better!!

Today’s Music To Keep me IiiiNNnnsssAaaaNNnNeE in the midst of madness – The Gang Of Four – Capital (It Fails Us Now)

This feels very appropriate for the times we live in.

Let’s Get Brexit Done (away with!) before it wrecks the country completely!! I signed!

Zoe Williams’ piece on the anti-Brexit mood taking hold in the country was nicely optimistic (Most Britons now think Brexit was a bad idea – the government just hasn’t caught up yet, 21 November). But still the petition to parliament to rejoin the EU is only at a miserable 14,167 as I write this. Where are these people who want rejoin the EU? My guess is that they’re simply not aware that there’s a petition. Could the Guardian highlight this with a campaign perhaps?

Where are the thousands who marched in October? Where are the Liberal Democrats? They must have more than 14,167 members alone. Where are the young, the city dwellers, anybody and everybody who wants us to finish this mad Brexit experiment? This petition should be in the millions, shouldn’t it? C’mon, let’s do this thing, let’s reverse it.
Nye Gibbons

Today’s Music to keep me IiiInNnnSSssAaaaaNnnnNee – Ry Cooder – How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live

In Broken Britain the Populist Tories have sold us all down the river. Prices are through the roof. They are a bunch of thieving profiteers!!

Fat Cat Bankers – We Should Love Them!!

Liz Truss says that it’s good for us to have bankers earning ÂŁ15 million bonuses while children starve and freeze. Bankers are good for the country. They help it grow. They bring in wealth. Children don’t earn anything.

People who create wealth are useful and important!

Not like bloody teachers, nurses and carers who are all bloody parasites!!

So bankers deserve massive bonuses. If we don’t give them tens of millions of pounds they will go abroad!! We’d miss them. We’d all become poorer.

I know that the parasite nurses, teachers and carers are all now on the breadline, having to use food banks and turn off their heating after twelve years of Tory austerity. But that’s their fault. They should have become bankers.

Just imagine how great the country would be in everyone were a banker! We’d all be so rich! The country would be so rich!

Besides, while you are busy holding down three jobs and still starving and freezing remember ‘Trickle Down’. Soon all that wealth will trickle down to you! Just as soon as the Cayman Islands release some of it!

So feel good about all those wealthy Tory Bankers and bosses. They may be raking it in by the million but they are good for the country! They are doing it for you!

Rishi Sunak offers advice to the poor to deal with the Cost of Living Crisis and Various Tax Rises.

Dear Poor People,

I’m sorry that I have not been able to help you at all in my budget. I’m afraid I cannot help everyone and I have my work cut out giving large sums to the wealthy. There simply isn’t enough left over.

But I can support you by giving you some advice that will see you through these hard times. Hard times for all of us! Gosh, I know those dastardly energy bills are going to hit all my homes! So I’ve got together with my colleague Mr Rees-Mogg to see if we can’t help you all out a little.

Firstly, it is important to live within one’s means. I know the temptations all too well. It’s jolly difficult. But it must be done. To spend more than you earn would be disastrous. Jacob and I take great care to stay inside the limits. Jacob was only telling me the other day that if things get really bad he might have to let one of his nannies go! Heavens. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!

Here are a few tips to throttle back on expenditure. You could cut the hours and wages of both your gardener and cleaner. I think if you explain that their jobs are in great jeopardy you could induce them to do the same amount of work for a fraction of the pay! That would certainly help. Works for all domestics!

With fuel prices being what they are you could see if you could manage with just two cars and no chauffeur! I know, running the children round to polo and lacrosse might be tricky. And you might need to trade that petroleum guzzling Bentley for something smaller and more efficient. Golly – perhaps even a second-hand one!

Now energy prices have gone through the roof – like most of the heat through those badly insulated roofs – ha – that’s a joke! Get it? But seriously, it means taking radical steps to cut energy use. Remember the small things make all the difference! Take care not to leave the sauna and hot tub on when you’re not using them! Don’t leave the lights for the tennis and squash courts on when you’re not playing. Things like that. It soon mounts up!

Now shopping. A difficult one. Phhhheeewww! Try not making so many trips to Fortnum and Mason and Harrods. I’m not sure but someone told me that they are more expensive compared to some other retail outlets. I’m afraid that during these trying times we may have to make some sacrifices. That means visiting some of those supermarketty places. I know! Who would have thought?

As for eating out. Well, that’s jolly expensive. At least try to limit the number of times you go to the restaurant to just once or twice a week.

Now we come to those annoying taxes. I know – but I had to do them. Without raising the income tax and National Insurance for you poor people we couldn’t pay for Brexit and all those multimillion-pound contracts we gave to wealthy people during the pandemic!

I know you are going to find them crippling so Jacob and I thought that we’d give you some tips on how to deal with them.

Firstly the income tax – your first port of call should be your jolly accountant. He should be able to carve off a lot of expenses and make suggestions on how to reduce your taxes. Jacob has managed to get his completely written off simply by moving his companies abroad. There are lots of perfectly reasonable tax avoidance schemes out there. Works for us. We earn lots and hardly pay any tax. Well worth the initial outlay.

Then you could try working from home and claiming home expenses! I know, that’s pretty hard if you’re meant to be emptying bins, cleaning offices or working with sewage. You certainly wouldn’t be wanting to take that stuff home, would you? I’d say not!

Then it’s worth having a word in your employer’s ear. You never know, he might be in a Mason’s Lodge near you! He might be able to help out by putting a few hundred more in your pay packet or giving you some guvy work – you know – directly into the hand. Don’t tell them I told you though! Wouldn’t do for everyone to do that. I’d have to start chasing the wealthy for a contribution if they did!

Not too much to be done for the hike in National Insurance, I’m afraid. Even the wealthy can’t completely avoid that. Mind you, if you put half your salary into a pension plan you can certainly cut down on your contributions.

That’s it for now! Next time I’ll give you some advice on what you can do about Dividend tax, Capital gains and how to avoid those massive inheritance taxes.

Remember, poor people, that we’re all in this together! If we tighten our belts and make those small cuts we will all come through this!

So do you best and keep voting Tory! You know it makes sense.