The Corona Diaries – Day 51

We still have not gone down with the disease. I’ve noticed that things are beginning to relax a little as people begin to adjust. The village shop has people waiting outside in line all distancing nicely. There’s more traffic on the road. The pubs are sorting out take-away food. In town shops are beginning to open. People are friendlier! That’s nice!

Is it too early to relax? I reckon so. The death-rate and new cases have come down but not enough. We haven’t yet got the testing and follow-up sorted.

I notice Germany has gone back to lockdown! The USA is in a bad way – between 25,000 and 30,000 new cases a day and deaths approaching 70,000 and they still think that Trump is doing a good job!!

They are trialling new drugs but I’m not expecting anything soon! They are also trialling this phone app. We’ll see what comes of it all!

Here in isolation I have been working on my poetry book, painting the stairwell and sorting out my books. It’s a busy time!

I went for another hour and a half walk today – building up my fitness. Weather was OK – cloudy and cool – but I didn’t get rained on!

So – Stay Safe everyone!!

4 thoughts on “The Corona Diaries – Day 51

  1. Here we were free of new cases for 14 days. Then one popped up. He is an elderly gentleman who has been self isolating since returning from os 60 days ago. Only just tested positive. He reported a recent loss in the sense of taste. Fortunately he has only been in contact with 5 people, all of whom are now isolating. So, we are heading into a period of staged relaxing of restrictions
    Australia overall has had less than 100 deaths. I guess being an island nation has its benefits

    1. That’s excellent Raili. We’re vying with the USA for top position in incompetence and complacency!

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