I am a committed Pluralist! This is what I mean.


I hope anyone who follows my blog will understand what I mean by pluralism. There are many definitions of the word.

What I believe by pluralism is that a society/community can thrive while its members believe in different philosophies, religions, political views, and have different cultural backgrounds. I believe variety brings richness. I believe hybrids are stronger than pedigrees.

That means that as a left-wing antitheist I am happy living with people of all different, races, cultures and religions.

However, I believe that this is only possible if the members of that community adhere to a certain over-riding ethos. For me that ethos is one of tolerance, freedom, equality, democracy, empathy, compassion and respect.

I do not tolerate racism, misogyny, homophobia, or violence.

I believe that pluralism is the counter to fascism and fundamentalism. I also believe that education is the best weapon of all. If it is deployed properly it raises humanity to new levels of compassion and empathy.

My message is – Be nice to each other – build a positive Zeitgeist – look after the planet and all life that exists on it.

11 thoughts on “I am a committed Pluralist! This is what I mean.

  1. Anyone who knows me, and not many do, but those that live around me or pass my house must think I am odd and maybe I am. I can’t go out and protest but should push myself to do so, what I do is put posters on my porch windows (very lucky I have a large porch and lots of glass). Most posters are about the cruelty to animals/the environment of one in particular that has made me smile. It reads “Racism is not welcome here” and it is surprising the reaction it has caused. In particular when my shopping is delivered via Ocado those drivers that are not from the UK seem more relaxed when I open the door and we chat and I ask where they are from and I have learnt a lot from these men, some others that come I am sorry to say some English look put out and their attitude is cold etc, it tells a lot about human beings. My “Ban Greyhound Racing” has not gone down well like my “Do not cut down Trees, Plant them” all people seem to do around here is destroy them. I will keep on posting. Good morning Opher.

    1. Good morning Anna. I love the posters. If only everyone did that we would live in a different world!
      They think anyone is odd who thinks or is an individual. You have to run with the mindless mob to be normal.
      Normal is boring and dangerous. Long live the ‘odd’.

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