Belief? What is it? Where does it come from? What use is it?



What is this thing we call belief? Where does it come from? Why do we need it?


I cannot help thinking that if I had been brought up in Saudi Arabia I would be a Sunni Muslim, if in Iran a Shia Muslim, if in India a Hindu, if in Brazil a Christian Catholic and if in Mississippi a Protestant Christian.


If I had been born in Greece a few thousand years ago I would have worshipped Zeus as the god of all gods. If I had lived in Britain three thousand years ago it might have been the Green Man or the Sun. If in Egypt it might have been Isis.


I could list a thousand Gods and Goddesses that mankind has worshipped, sacrificed to, prayed to and beseeched. The forgotten Gods and Goddesses are ten times as numerous.


Belief is built into our genes.


I am fortunate. I was brought up in a loving family with no attempt to indoctrinate me into any religious belief or political persuasion. I was left to investigate myself. My adolescent obsessions with mysticism and belief were tolerated without opposition or ridicule. I was left to think.


I went through my ‘religious phase’ and came to the belief that all religion originated in the minds of men, prayer was pointless and worship a psychological prop.


I believe that religious belief is mankind’s attempt to come to terms with an infinite universe, the mystery of life and death and a purpose for what we do. It comes from a psychological need and a brain that is hard-wired to seek patterns, purpose and a reason. We cannot understand a system with no beginning, no end and no reason.


Do we need belief? No I don’t think so. We can create our own purpose and appreciate the wonder and awe around us.


We certainly do not need religion in order to have morality. We can make a far better code of human rights without the hypocrisy and contradictions present in all religions with their obscure pronouncements. We can make a clear code of ethics without the ambiguities.


We can do without belief. Perhaps we have evolved enough to start to do without.

8 thoughts on “Belief? What is it? Where does it come from? What use is it?

  1. Hi there!
    To me the questions of belief in a god, and religion are two entirely different subjects…I think that a religion is nothing more than “a successful sect”, in other words, an organisation created to take advantage (financially or politically) of other people’s belief or even credulity.
    Do we need religions? Well for some reason, it seems to be a useful or even necessary step in the evolutions of new societies. But as we evolve, we should be able to overcome their power and get rid of them. Which is usually eventually the case… Some just later than others.
    Individual, personnal belief is to chose to think that something is true, sometimes even without proof (faith) and as long as you dont try to convince or organise others according to it, it can be beneficial, and if it brings you comfort or purpose, or whatever, then why not?

    1. Why not indeed. Belief as a personal issue I have no problem with. Organised religion, intolerance, bigotry, sectarianism, fundamentalism, politics, power and indoctrination – I do.

      1. We’re all great. As you can see I am filling my time up writing blogs and books and everyone else is fine. Life’s good. Remember we’ve got plenty of room. You’re all welcome if you fancy a break!

  2. This is probably one of the most thought provoking pieces I have read in a very long time Opher. Your tone alone makes your topic something I think every reader will ponder about for some time. Your observations deserve to be pondered. Great post Opher 🙂

    1. Thank you. That was the intention. Pondering is always good. Much appreciated – Best wishes Opher

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