Jonathan Pie – Tighten Our Belts – unless you’re a billionaire!!

The latest from Pie – as Sunak lies about turning a corner, billionaires look forward to more tax cuts while hospitals and schools fall into ruin and food banks are a growth industry. Perhaps teachers and nurses should try living rough like most of the rest of the country. Nobody can afford to pay rents, buying a house is a futile dream and heating a house is beyond us. Buy a tent!

Hell – what a mess they have made of the country!!

Have a slice of Pie!!

Johnson’s Sun Lit Uplands

Let’s shine the light on the sunny results of Brexit – poverty, austerity, lower GDP, ruined public services – but don’t worry. Lots of their chums made an awful lot of money!! When you made food too expensive, do away with good health care and mess up education kids suffer. It’s shocking. Welcome to Toryland. If you can’t afford basics then go without. Only the rich count.

Under the Tories the rich get richer and the rest of us a lot poorer!!

Intrigue and power

Intrigue and power

In these times of obfuscation,

                Of charades

And diversionary tactics,

                Of populist ideology

                                And blatant propaganda:

In these days of lies

                And soundbites,

Designed to enthuse

                And deceive,

We are embroiled

                In the deceptions of

                                Greedy exploiters,

For whom

                The truth is elastic

                                And designed to fool

                                                The gullible.

Charisma has replaced honour

                So that politics becomes

A pantomime of

                Selfish power-seeking

                                And naked profiteering.

Opher 21.6.2023

The last thirteen years of populism exemplified by The Tories, The Republicans, Boris Johnson, Brexit and Donald Trump, politics has hit an all-time low.

We are looking at an era of blatant profiteering. The Tories, Republicans and populists around the world (Modi, Erdogan, Le Penn, Meloni, Oban and Bolsonaro – then add Putin and Xi) feathering their own nests at the expense of the people and robbing the poor to give to the rich.

Never has politics been so low. Never has sleaze and corruption been so very blatant. Never have there been so many lies and barrages of propaganda.

We are at an all-time low!

Tory WAR on Public Servants.

For twelve years the Tories have waged war on Public servants.

They have slashed services, cut pay and reduced working conditions.

The Cost of Living crisis has exposed the problem.

Our public servants, nurses, teachers, border staff, fire brigade, paramedics, ambulance service, police, civil servants and others have been backed into a corner. There are huge staff shortages which means their workload is through the roof.. They do not earn enough to support their family, put a roof over their heads, feed, clothe and keep warm.

The public servants are seen as parasites by the Tories.

They do not (directly) produce wealth – so they are viewed as second-class citizens.

The Public servants are not parasites. We saw that in the pandemic. Without a good NHS, education, police force, border control and civil service this country is buggered!!

Stop giving multi-million pound handouts to the wealthy and start paying working people properly.

The Tories don’t need them. They have their private health care. They use private security firms. They have private education. They live in gated communities. They travel first class.

The public services are for the plebs. The less they pay for them the better. The plebs are there to work for as near to nothing as possible, to be exploited and then conned into voting Tory by the tabloid press.

As for public services – who needs ’em?

I think the whole public sector should come together with other sympathetic workers and do a mass resignation. If all of those, recently deemed ESSENTIAL workers, were to walk away en masse we might just end up with a better, fairer, more equal society.

For twelve years we’ve had a Tory government stealing from the poor, needy and public services to give to the rich.

Most of that wealth is now in tax havens off-shore!

It’s time this was put right!

A general strike or a mass resignation!!


Without a good, well-resourced, well-paid public services this country is in a mess!! It won’t get right until we get out priorities right!

Stop reading the SUN, TELEGRAPH, MAIL, EXPRESS and TIMES!!! Lies and propaganda!

Cost of Living Crisis – Just Greed!!

So petrol and oil prices go through the roof for us – but oil companies are making staggering profits. Don’t we relate the two?

So energy prices go through the roof but energy companies give shareholders record dividends. Don’t we relate the two?

So taxes are going up so that we can square the books. While billions and billions were given away in illegal untendered PPE contracts, loans and extravagant salaries for Covid Apps and Test and Trace. Don’t we relate the two?

So the National Insurance is going up to pay for the NHS (which was promised to be paid for by Brexit). But Brexit is costing us over £37 billion a year. Don’t we relate the two?

Benefits are cut to save a few billion. Tax loopholes for the wealthy, which would save tens of billions, are left in place. Don’t we relate the two?

The inequality gap gets greater and greater. The Wealthy are becoming richer and richer with multimillion bonuses while the poor are having to beg and use food banks. Don’t we relate the two?

The government is saving up money for an election tax bribe. Children are starving. Don’t we relate the two?

Do the Tories care at all?? No. They hold big banquets and guzzle champagne as if everything is great. It is for them! They’ve never had it so good.