The Snake Oil Orange Pretzel

The Snake Oil Orange Pretzel

In the shadows of deceit and manipulation he resides,
Orange Pretzel, a man of many faces, a master of disguise.
A lying conman with a silver tongue,
Hypocritic narcissist, his web of lies spun.

A cult leader in the making, he preys on the weak,
A snake oil salesman, false promises he’ll speak.
A lying crook, his pockets lined with ill-gotten gains,
A sex offender, his depravity knows no reins.

A dictator in waiting, power his only goal,
Using religion as a weapon to control.
With a lust for power that knows no bounds,
Accruing wealth while the poor he astounds.

Robbing the innocent, deceiving the fools,
Vengeful and greedy, his heart nothing but cruel.
Orange Pretzel, a stain on humanity’s name,
May his reign be short-lived, may justice reclaim.

Opher – 2.4.2024

Being duped by a lying crook who is lining his own pockets at the expense of the poor. A would-be dictator with a lust for power whose greed surpasses his ability to think. A narcissistic fool with the charisma to move ignorant fools into believing. A man who added trillions to the national debt in order to stuff his pockets and satisfy his narcissistic need.

Brother do we need help and protection from this cynical monster?

Corruption and Greed Rules

In halls of power, whispers of deceit,
Tory corruption and sleaze, a darkened stain,
VIP lanes paved for cronies, indiscreet,
The privileged few, their greed shall reign.

With masks of charm, they hide their wicked ways,
Behind closed doors, the deals are made with ease,
Their pockets lined, while the nation pays,
In shadows lurk the power they seek to seize.

Yet in the midst of this corrupt facade,
The people rise, their voices loud and clear,
Demanding justice, holding firm and broad,
For truth and honesty to reappear.

Though darkness looms, the light of hope still gleams,
In unity, we’ll shatter their deceitful schemes.

The Conspiracy Blues 

The Conspiracy Blues 

Donald’s in his mansion Pretending to be poor.

Asking for donations While playing with his whore.

He thinks that he’s so clever Putting out fake news.

Talk of draining swamps He’s got the old conspiracy blues.  

He used to fire apprentices On the old TV.

Now he’s peddling fascist lies While reciting A to Z.

They’re going to lock him up He’s going to get his dues

No need to build more walls He’s got the old conspiracy blues.  

Making money by the billion. Robbing all the chumps.

He was making Donald great again Now he’s in the dumps.

He’s certainly a fascist Just listen to his views.

Even Putin can’t help him He’s got the old conspiracy blues.  

Opher – 27.8.2023  

It is incredible that millions of Americans are blinded by this wealthy conman. He’s taken them all for a ride. Supporting all the white supremacists and every right-wing cause. He’s the definition of a fascist. He told them he was going to drain the swamp and make America Great again. He’s been building his own swamp. Is this really what America’s become? Is this what the GOP now is? This bunch would probably have supported Hitler!

Intrigue and power

Intrigue and power

In these times of obfuscation,

                Of charades

And diversionary tactics,

                Of populist ideology

                                And blatant propaganda:

In these days of lies

                And soundbites,

Designed to enthuse

                And deceive,

We are embroiled

                In the deceptions of

                                Greedy exploiters,

For whom

                The truth is elastic

                                And designed to fool

                                                The gullible.

Charisma has replaced honour

                So that politics becomes

A pantomime of

                Selfish power-seeking

                                And naked profiteering.

Opher 21.6.2023

The last thirteen years of populism exemplified by The Tories, The Republicans, Boris Johnson, Brexit and Donald Trump, politics has hit an all-time low.

We are looking at an era of blatant profiteering. The Tories, Republicans and populists around the world (Modi, Erdogan, Le Penn, Meloni, Oban and Bolsonaro – then add Putin and Xi) feathering their own nests at the expense of the people and robbing the poor to give to the rich.

Never has politics been so low. Never has sleaze and corruption been so very blatant. Never have there been so many lies and barrages of propaganda.

We are at an all-time low!

Poetry – Cynical Leadership

Cynical Leadership

Inciting, infiltrating and spinning


To prey upon the gullible.

Threatening, posturing and jeering


To enrage the peaceable.

Cajoling, lying and frightening


To scare the fallible.

Any tactic will do

To gain their power.

Illegal,  immoral or insane

Turning the future sour.

Opher – 31.8.2020