Poetry – Pinochet – a poem that suggests we should bring all the World leaders who have practiced genocide and torture to justice.


Nobody should be immune from justice. The tyrants and torturers should be hunted down and put on trial for their crimes.

The United Nations should be the world court. The charter of Human Rights should be sacrosanct.  No exceptions.

Pinochet was put in place by the CIA. They overthrew the elected government of Allende because they considered it too socialist. Pinochet proceeded to arrest, torture and execute all who stood against him or offered criticism, including the Folk Singer Victor Jara who was brutally tortured.

Pinochet was supported by Thatcher. He should have been put on trial and locked up.

There are thousands of similar tyrants and torturers who need to be brought to justice. There should not be anywhere safe for them to hide.

My one hope was that their conscience must plague them. They are human. No matter how desensitised they become, no matter how justified they feel, there must be a small voice that needles them with the shrieks of the tortured.

On those dark nights do they have nightmares? Can they ever be happy? Does it ever pay?

That’s what I put in this poem.


When a dictator speaks

Everyone takes notes

But does it pay?



When a torturer

Applies the leads



But can you make it pay?



If I had my say

It’s as clear as day

There’s no way

You could make it pay



When a murderer

Uses a bucket of shit

And holds your head

Under it

On your say


Can you live with it

That way?


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